Thursday, December 29, 2022

Startling New Discovery by Hebrew Scholar Confirms the Hooked X is a Symbol for Deity/God

A couple of weeks ago a friend called with a tip about a book he thought we should read.  Terry Tilton, a Past Grand Master of Freemasons in Minnesota, Past President of the Philalethes Society, the academic branch of Freemasonry, a Biblical scholar, and a Methodist Minister, said he thought work in the book by Rabbi Mark Sameth, might have ramifications for my own research.  I quickly found the book on-line, was immediately intrigued and ordered it.  Roughly a week ago the 150-page book arrived and I devoured it in a few days.  Brother Tilton was right, the findings of Rabbi Sameth indeed have ramifications for the Hooked X symbol, my "Templar's in America" research, and my wife's Goddess research that we are still trying to make sense of.  There is sure to be a lot more to come as I consult with other researchers and those better versed in Hebrew mysticism and it's history.  That said, here is what we know for sure...      

Rabbi Sameth traces the history of The Name that first appeared in in a three-lettered form YHW around 1,400 BCE.  This was a time when dual-gendered deities were being worshiped in Mesopotamia and Egypt and the people created The Name that later (circa 850 BCE) became YHWH, or the immutable word of God "Yahwey" otherwise known as the Tetragrammaton.  According to Rabbi Sameth, the utterance of The Name and it's dual-gendered meaning had always been reserved to the priestly elite.  This is why knowledge of the meaning of The Name was unknown until recently.  Not coincidentally, this is also the time we first see the progenitor of the Hooked X symbol in the form of the crossed crook and flail on Pharoah Akhenaten and his son, King Tut's chest. 

Those who read my book, The Hooked X: Key to the Secret History of North America, (Pages 86-96) might recall I postulated the "X" symbolically represented the upward pointing peak, symbolic of the male, and the downward pointing "V", symbolic of the female.  Combined into an "X" represents the union of male/female and the concept of dualism.  I then argued the hook added to the upper right arm created a little "v" representing a child.  In this case, a daughter inside womb of her mother with the father completing the Hooked X symbolically.  I also argued the Hooked X represented what Christianity cryptically calls the "Holy Trinity."  Their definition described as the "Father, son, and the Holy Spirit" without making clear what the Holy Spirit is supposed to be.  It seems to me they're intentionally veiling the obvious missing piece, the mother, thus completing the Holy Trinity aspect of God which is what I believe the Hooked X symbolically represents    

Pharoah Akhenaten reigned in Egypt from 1353-1334 BCE.

Pharoah Tutankhamun reigned in Egypt from 1334-1324 BCE.

Getting back to Rabbi Sameth and The Name, he continues to trace the historical journey of Tetragrammaton from Egypt to Jerusalem up through today.  He also explains the philology of YHWH and how the pronunciation of the word of God is veiled within the Hebrew letters that need to be pronounced backwards.  This reveals HW to be pronounced HU ("he"); HY pronounced as HI ("she").  Here we see how the both the pronunciation and dual-gendered meaning of The Name was kept secret known only to the priestly elite and passed on only to worthy initiates "mouth to ear."  Rabbi Sameth argues the dual-gendered meaning of The Name was a tightly held secret within the priesthood, especially after the Romans destroyed the Second Temple in 70 AD.  He then explains how he learned after making the dual-gendered meaning of the Tetragrammaton discovery himself, the secret of the dual-gender nature of YHWH was previously discovered by Michelangelo Lanci, a Vatican librarian in 1827.  His work was published but, not surprisingly, quickly suppressed by order of the Pontifical Government.  

If we take a look at examples of the Tetragrammaton, we see The Name within an equilateral triangle with the point sometimes pointing up, and sometimes pointing down.  This instantly brings to mind the symbolism of the upward and downward peaks/triangles of the Seal of Solomon and the Hooked X symbol.  They mean the same thing and both contain the sacred secret of the male/female nature of Deity/God.  This makes perfect sense since the same Hebrew people were were involved with both sacred symbols representing a carefully hidden ideology.  That Monotheistic Dualism ideology began in Egypt and was secretly passed down through the Hebrew priesthood into Jerusalem and forward into the present.

After reading the book, we had a long talk with Timothy Hogan, a Freemason and Biblical scholar about Rabbi Sameth's work and the connections I saw with the Hooked X.  He agreed wholeheartedly with my idea and explained how because The Name was immutable the word "EL" was used for God and was able to be said out loud.  In Hebrew, "EL" is spelled "Aleph Lamed" or "AL" which is abbreviated to just "A" (Aleph).  Here is where things get interesting.  In Hebrew mysticism, aleph has a numerical value of one and implies the oneness of God.  Aleph is also the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet and used for "a."  The Hooked X symbol is used for "a" on all five North American Rune stones carved in the late 14th/early 15th Centuries.  I have also argued the Hooked X is a straight-lined version of the Hebrew aleph and makes sense it was used for "a" within these inscriptions.  

The conclusion to all of this is the Hooked X is analogous to the Hebrew aleph which is a sacred and secret symbol for Deity/God.  This is why the monk(s) who carved these stones used the Hooked X as a symbol of recognition for future initiates and as an acknowledgement of God to protect their sacred work; a land claim in the case of the Kensington Rune Stone.  The discovery of the dual-gendered meaning of both The Name and the Hooked X, that followed the same path through 3,400 years of time and the Hebrew priestly line, provides profound factual evidence on the veracity of Rabbi Sameth's research and our own collective research over the past 22 years.   



Thursday, December 22, 2022

New Evidence in Sweden Further Validates Kensington Rune Stone Inscription is Medieval

It was recently brought to my attention there was news posted on a hate blogger site of a recent discovery in Sweden of documents that contained some of the unique runes found on the Kensington Rune Stone including the Hooked X!  The article written by Magnus Källström reports on the discovery of a 16-page pamphlet and a commemorative wedding plaque that date back to 1864 and 1868 respectively.  Both documents were composed by a writing teacher named Eric Ström and contains runes the author of the article calls "Kensington runes."  Indeed, both documents do contain some of the unique medieval runic alphabet, or "Futhark", but no where near the entire alphabet.  See article here:

As is typical with Scandinavian scholars I have interacted with over the past 22 years, when it comes to the Kensington Rune Stone (KRS), Källström reveals his negative bias in the second sentence of the article, "Even if I believe that the (Kensington) inscription was not added in 1362 but in the 19th century,..."  Instead of being open-minded and objective, this author's analysis is doomed from the start.  He also names other Swedish scholars I have dealt with who are borderline fanatical in their attempts to discredit the Kensington inscription, but even their theories are struck down by Källström.  Let's start by taking a look at the KRS runes and the alphabets presented in the article.  The commemorative wedding plaque is first:

This wedding plague contains a message in runes reportedly crafted by Eric Ström in 1868.  The author of the article translated the runes to this: "This commemorate tablet was created during the writing school in Hänstra in the month of April in 1868."

A closer look at the runic message shows the alphabet used is NOT the same as the Kensington inscription as the author claims.  In fact, only 10 of the 17 symbols used are in the Kensington inscription.  The notable symbol that is found here and on the Kensington stone is the Hooked X.  Below the runic message is another message crafted using a Masonic box code suggesting the author, Eric Ström, was likely a Freemason.  The author translated this message to this: "Given by the author as a memory, and a reward for a benevolent treatment.  By Eric Ström." 

The runic message on the plaque contains 10 KRS runes of the 17 total used.  The most interesting is the Hooked X symbol being used for "a".  As interesting as this is, it does not prove anything in regard to the Kensington inscription only that SOME of the medieval KRS runes survived, most likely within secret Masonic and Knights Templar orders, from the 1300s to the 1800s.  More on that to come.

It turns out Eric Ström was the author of another 16-page document about the art of writing that contained examples of different writing styles and text types published in 1864.  Toward the end of the document was a runic alphabet that is eerily reminiscent of another document mentioned in the article that came forward in 2003 when the Kensington Rune Stone was on display at the History Museum in Stockholm.  I was in Sweden at that time and remember all too well when the Larsson Papers came forward and the misguided conclusions the Scandinavian scholars were quick to go public with.  But first let's first take a look at the Larsson Papers.

The first sheet contains two runic alphabets.  Interestingly, the Swedish text written above the second alphabet that begins with a Hooked X says it was written in the "Secret style."  This begs several questions about the origin of the alphabet with must be connected to Freemasonry and the Knights Templar before that.  We have a direct connection to both organizations in the newly discovered alphabet coming below.  The first alphabet is considered to be a Viking era Futhark, the second is considered to be a later Futhark, possibly medieval.  The second alphabet begins with a Hooked X symbol used for the letter "a" but has only 9 of 27 symbols found in the Kensington inscription.  Curiously, the page also contains a Masonic box code and a table of Pentadic numbers just like the numbers found on the Kensington Rune Stone and is dated using that numbering system to 1883.

The first of two pages called the "Larsson Papers" was discovered in Sweden in 2003 and is dated using Pentadic Numbers to 1883.

The second sheet of the Larsson Papers contains the same two runic alphabets, the second again was written in the "Secret style."  Only this time the second alphabet has only 8 of 27 symbols found in the Kensington inscription.  This page also contains a Masonic box code alphabet and the same Pentadic numbering system but is dated 1885.  

The second of two pages called the "Larsson Papers" was discovered in Sweden in 2003 and is dated using Pentadic Numbers to 1885.

In my 2009 book, The Hooked X: Key to the Secret History of North America, I argued the discovery of the Larsson Papers with Pentadic numbers and the Hooked X symbol proved the symbols in fact did exist and were not invented by Olof Ohman, who discovered the Kensington Rune Stone on his farm in Minnesota in 1898, as most scholars had claimed for over a century.  This new discovery of the marriage plaque and the 'art of writing' runic alphabets that begins with a Hooked X is revealing for a number of reasons, but before we get into that let's take a look at the newly discovered Futhark with another interesting Masonic box code, and a Knights Templar "Pigpen" cipher.    

Eric Ström, a writing teacher in Sweden in the mid-to-late 1800s wrote a 16-page document about the art of writing that contained examples of different writing styles and text types published in 1864.  It contained a runic alphabet with 14 of 27 symbol being found on the KRS inscription including a Hooked X.  It also contained a Masonic box code identical to the Larsson Papers.  Most notable is a Knights Templar "Pigpen" cipher that is not found in the Larsson Papers.

This runic alphabet is very similar to the two Larsson Papers' alphabets except this one has 14 of its 27 characters that appear in the Kensington inscription. Here are a few facts: First, it pushes back the earliest known use of the Hooked X in Sweden 19 years from 1883 to 1864.  Second, it has 5 more similar symbols than the 1883 Larsson Papers alphabet, and 6 more than the 1885 alphabet.  Third, the Masonic box code is the same as both found in the Larsson Papers.  Lastly, there is a very telling addition to the most recently discovered and oldest of the three documents with runic alphabets.  Below the Masonic box code is a Knights Templar "Pigpen" cipher not seen in either of the Larsson Papers.  Adding more intrigue and a smile to my face came when Källström acknowledges Eric Ström had connections to the Knights Templar, "...where in 1882 he became involved in the local Good Templar Lodge." 

I find it quite ironic this newly discovered and mysterious runic alphabet contains the most number of runes yet related to the Kensington inscription, and it is connected to a man who was a member of a Templar order in Sweden in the late 19th Century.  Try as the scholars might to put the Kensington Rune Stone to bed as a modern hoax, the evidence that keeps coming forth supports the obvious conclusion it is authentic.  These documents are now added to the voluminous pile of factual evidence, in multiple disciplines, that is consistent with the KRS being carved and buried as a Knights Templar land claim in 1362, and is arguably the most important historical artifact ever found in North America. 

The Hooked X symbol being used for "a" is found in this secret alphabet was written in an Icelandic manuscript between 1750-1850,  and was recently published.  

The Hooked X symbol is used for aleph in what is clearly a Hebrew alphabet written in an Icelandic manuscript circa 1700.  This suggests a connection to Israel and Jerusalem where we found another example of the Hooked X on the Jesus ossuary.

Carved into the lid of the Jesus ossuary from the Talpiot Tomb is a monogram of two important symbols.  One is the Hooked X, and the second, just below the intersection of the X is the Egyptian-style tau cross.  The Hebrew aleph (Hooked X) and Aramaic tau symbols likely represent alpha-omega, beginning and end.

Janet Wolter discovered a Hooked X symbol in the most likely of places, Santa Maria de Olival Church in Tomar Portugal.  There are 22 Grand Masters of the Portuguese Knights Templar buried inside this church.  The church was constructed in the late Twelfth Century.