Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The Truth about Oak Island and the Cremona Document

The following is a guest blog post by Mr. Donald Ruh, author of the 2018 book, "The Scrolls of Onteora."

"This blog was written to provide clarity about two documents that have repeatedly been the subject of past episodes, and is currently being featured on episodes airing on season 6 of the History Channel show, “The Curse of Oak Island.”  Last season, the late researcher and author, Zena Halpern, presented a map to the Lagina brothers that clearly shows Oak Island along with several words, names and phrases written in French.  Ms. Halpern appeared on the show and explained the map was related to what she called a “Templar Document”, but from here on will be referred to as the “Cremona Document.”  The Cremona Document, and the Oak Island map, were the primary subject matter of Ms. Halpern’s 2017 book, The Templar Mission to Oak Island and Beyond: The Search for Ancient Secrets: Shocking Revelations of a 12th Century Manuscript.  That 12th Century manuscript is the Cremona Document. 

Figure 1: This map which includes what appear to show Oak Island, in Nova Scotia, was posthumously given to me by my long-time work colleague and life-long friend, Dr. William “Bill” Jackson, in 2015. (Courtesy of Donald Ruh)

The reason for writing this is to ensure the correct factual information and context is known about the Oak Island map, its relationship to the Cremona Document, and the chain of events that led to confusion about the authenticity of the Oak Island map are accurately documented for the historical record.  Literally millions of people have already and continue to watch episodes of the History Channel show that have presented information about these documents that is factually incorrect. 

First, a little history about how the Cremona Document and Oak Island map came into my possession which I then shared with Ms. Halpern.  Beginning in 2006, and over the course of the next several years, I inherited several parcels of documents from a work colleague and my lifelong friend, Dr. William “Bill” Jackson.  Bill died in 2000 and left the material to me that included the Cremona Document Bill purchased in Rome in 1971, and the Oak Island map he acquired in 1994.  In 2008, Bill’s estate transferred ownership all of the original documents, and the legal intellectual rights to the material, to me as evidenced by the third page of the agreement signed by Bill’s survivors which is seen below. 

Figure 2: Page 3 of the legal document transferring all legal rights and ownership of Dr. William Jackson’s documents and research into the Cremona Document story, which includes the Cremona Document material and the Oak Island map to me.  (Courtesy of Donald Ruh)

In 2004, was when I first approached Ms. Halpern for help with an inscribed stone I found in the Catskill Mountains and she agreed to do so.  Later, she would also work closely with me on the Cremona Document material I inherited.  We formed a partnership and both signed a written agreement in 2009/2010, to write a book about our collective research.  A copy of that signed agreement between Ms. Halpern and myself is attached.

Figure 3: Page 1 of 2 of the agreement between myself and Zena Halpern we both signed in 2009/2010. (Courtesy of Donald Ruh)

Figure 4: Page 2 of 2 of the agreement between myself and Zena Halpern they both signed in 2009 and 2010.  (Courtesy of Donald Ruh)

In 2015, Ms. Halpern and I had a disagreement related to a person from Los Angeles in the television business Ms. Halpern was in contact with about doing a story related to our collective Cremona Document research.  The disagreement led to a falling out in 2016, at which time Ms. Halpern chose to forge ahead with publishing the book without me.  Around that time, she also decided to approach the Lagina Brothers with the intention of sharing the story and appearing on The Curse of Oak Island show without my involvement or participation.  Needless to say, I have not received anything in compensation for the book or acknowledgement for the content given by Ms. Halpern to the Lagina Brothers and the Curse of Oak Island program they have since presented in multiple episodes on the show that legally belongs to me. 

What the public needs to know that Ms. Halpern never knew, was the Oak Island map which came into my possession in 2015 was NEVER in any way connected to the Cremona Document material or the medieval Knights Templar.  The Oak Island map is a fabrication, most likely created by Bill Jackson as part of an assignment by the agency Dr. Jackson worked for to intentionally set up a bad guy associated with the P2 scandal in the late 1970’s.  Shortly after I discovered the Oak Island map hidden within the pages of a book by Bill in 2015, I showed the map to Ms. Halpern who immediately assumed it was connected to the Cremona Document story.  At the time, even I was unclear of the map’s association to anything until I recently found the letter below in my voluminous records that put the Oak Island map into proper context.  My only involvement in the operation was to carve the symbols on a swagger stick as directed by Bill Jackson.  The redacted portions in the letter are to protect persons involved in the P2 matter that are still living.  

Figure 5: The letter written in 1979, by Dr. William Jackson to me explained how the Oak Island map was made to create a fictional connection to the Oak Island story to entrap a bad guy involved in the P2 scandal. (Courtesy of Donald Ruh)

Certainly, mistakes were made by the late Ms. Halpern in part due to her declining health and strong desire to get the story out to the public.  However, those mistakes have resulted in false information that has already have been presented to the public on television with apparently more to come.  This letter is an attempt to set the record straight.  The Cremona Document and Oak Island mysteries are complicated and confusing enough and it’s important to get the facts straight if there is any chance of getting to the truth about these stories.

I would also appreciate the artifact (The so called “Hebrew Stone”) and all the Cremona Document related material that were in Ms. Halpern’s possession at the time of her death, that belongs to me, be returned.

Respectfully submitted,

Donald Ruh"

Mr. Ruh will be happy to answer any questions pertaining to this blog post.


  1. Interesting read. That show has been stretched to its max, too bad that false info is now out there to everyone. Especially those that run with it at face value. Im a huge fan Scott, thanks for sharing this!

    1. MarkS,

      Keep in mind it wasn't known the map was a fake by anyone, including Zena or the brothers, when it first appeared in the series. Don wants people to know the truth now that he knows definitely what the map is.

      This is why it's so important to vet things carefully and thoroughly. If that is not able to be done then the appropriate conclusion is the answer is unknown at this time. I hate not being able to reach a definitive conclusion, but sometimes you simply have to say you don't know.

  2. If its a fake, why is he so interested in it being returned ? So what is Donald going to do to return the goods? Sue the family? Sue the Lagina's? Doesn't seem right to me. If nothing Zena had was "important" it should be left alone.

    1. Gina,

      Don isn't asking for the map back; he still has it. Zena presented a copy. What Don wants back is what he loaned to Zena and she refused to return. This included an inscribed stone, a few books and three original pages from another document. Everything else was Zena's. I'm sure if you were in the same position you'd want your stuff back too.

      Nobody said what Zena presented wasn't important. It just wasn't hers to give.

  3. Scott,
    Thanks for Mr.Ruh's post explaining the Zena Halpern situation. Unfortunate that she rushed to put the incorrect info out there as it only caused more confusion in the Templar/Oak Island saga. I read her book and it did seem to have been rushed to publishing due to typo's, poor graphics, and disjointed compilation. However, it was a fascinating read I am now ordering Mr Rue's book as well as Diana Muir's book. Loved your past shows and excited to have found your blog and involvement in the research by Rue and Muir. Please tell us that you will have a new TV series involving this new treasure trove of historical information. I will continue to follow your exploits!

    1. Mr. Greer,

      The whole situation with Ms. Halpern publishing her book was unfortunate. She was dealing with ill health and I'm sure felt rushed. The problem came when she decided not to honor the agreement with Mr. Ruh. Don wanted to set the record straight and we'll see what happens.

      More good things are coming; stay tuned.

  4. Well I think the only thing this proves is that Bill Jackson was a fraud and he was tring to pass something off as original and to make himself monetary gain! I also believe the Lagina Brothers have stated that more research is needed! Also Scott Wolter,who claims the Kensington rune stone is a how is he a reliable source? P.s I live in Minnesota and have read everything on the rune stone!

    1. Lauris,

      I think you need to go back and read the post again, carefully this time. As to the Kensington Rune Stone, you might want to do your homework there as well. For 18 years I have been the most vocal advocate for the authenticity of the artifact and written four books on the subject matter directly connected to it.

    2. Lauris - Do you know anything about the P2 Scandal? I don't think so or you would understand exactly why Mr. Jackson created the map. Yes, the Lagina Brothers have always said more research is needed, to date I am not aware of them claiming any of the theories to be fact. And have you read or watched ANYTHING Mr. Wolter has said about the Kensington Rune Stone? Obviously not. Wow - it never ceases to amaze me how people can so misconstrue facts when presented with them!

  5. Thank you for the clarification Scott and Mr. Ruh - May I echo MarkS's comment - also a huge fan of yours Scott - loved your America Unearthed Show and have all of yours and your wife's book(s)!! You're a welcome voice of reason in a sea of uncertainty with regard to this issue! Looking forward to upcoming disclosures and updates from you!! Thank you for ALL of your hard work in trying to keep this "Oak Island" thing on an even keel!

    1. Scott,

      While I greatly appreciate your support, I have no interest in keeping tabs on what happens on the Oak Island show. It's a TV show and should be enjoyed as entertainment.

  6. Thanks for sharing this Scott. I was wondering why the show shifted focus away from the map. It seems the person who created the fake had quite a bit of knowledge of the island i.e. the trap door. As you know they investigated the trap door on the show and found a man made depression there which they didn’t excavate further and haven’t shown since. I’m glad to hear the map and the Cremona document are not at all tied as this would obviously call into question the authenticity of the Cremona Document. I haven’t read the Scrolls Onteora yet but I’m assuming the book covers both the background of the document (confirming its authenticity) and also details the story depicted in the scrolls? Thanks for posting this, I always enjoy watching your shows and reading your blog.

    1. Austin B,

      The OI map and the Cremona Document are two separate documents that either stand or fall on their own merit. The map isn't real, and the Cremona Document remains an open question. It has a lot going for it, but the final verdict is a long ways off yet. Stay tuned, we will do a good job of vetting it.

  7. My question is that mean that la formule sheet is a also because it is exactly the same cypher code use on the 90 foot stone and la formule sheet and if it is explain me why the text on la formule sheet is related to tje 90 foot stone because they are talking about the same women ...I know because I translate them all ?

    1. Guy,

      Until I actually see 90-foot stone and know that it exists, I consider it a myth.

    2. Sorry to ask you again but my question was about the la formule sheet is it viable ?

    3. Guy,

      I'm sorry, but I haven't spent any time on the La Formula page. I have to plead ignorance on this one.

    4. The la formule cipher might be the only real thing in this whole saga :)

    5. The le formula cipher is more fake than Jacksons map

    6. JHP,

      If anyone would know, it's probably you.

    7. Yes the Formule document is a fake. Anybody who speaks French and dissects the "French" phrases (according to Prof. Knight's solution) can easily see that. E.g: "hampe" is the wrong kind of shaft and "atteinte" is a noun not a verb.
      Fabricated by somebody who does not speak French and made a dilettantish attempt to construct French phrases using a dictionary.
      It is truly sad that people spend so much time and effort to maliciously lead treasure hunters and researchers astray.

    8. Incidentally the 1179 map seems to be a fabrication too. Somebody found an old map, added lower Nova Scotia to it, and put some additional fake annotations. For example, the fixpoint that presumably represents Oak Island has the Paris meridian offset (2.3 deg) added to the latitude. The latitude, not the longitude :-(. The longitude of the fixpoint next to it seems to be relative to the Greenwich meridian. And there are all kinds of other red flags if you look at the 1179 map closely.

    9. Hans,

      While I think you're probably right about the Formule map, I don't agree with your opinion about the 1179 map. That map is quite complicated and there is more information related to it that has not been made public yet. I would reserve judgment until all the facts are in. However, I will give you one tidbit the Lagina brothers did not address intentionally for legal reasons.

      You'll notice there are three Hooked X symbols of Roman numerals peppered throughout the map including the date in the upper right hand corner. I'll have more to say about the logic behind their usage here, but what's important is these photographs were taken in 1994 which is 24 years before I published my Hooked X book. Beyond that, the evidence says the map itself is a copy of an older map that was made in the mid to late 1800s.

    10. Surprise me.
      But my take is that if a document can not be authenticated but has red flags all over it then we must assume it's fake. Unless there is convincing proof otherwise.
      And I am not saying the Templars were not in North America maybe even on Oak Island. On the contrary. But these fake documents distract researchers and treasure hunters from finding the real evidence - if any.

    11. Hans,

      With all due respect, you should never assume something is fake unless you have conclusive contrary evidence. Too many times in the past people "assumed" something was fake, the Kensington Rune Stone is the most glaring example, and were ultimately proven wrong. The safe and ethical position is to simply admit you don't know and it's inconclusive.

    12. Scott,
      I completely disagree. We should always assume that an artifact is a fake unless there is evidence for it's authenticity. The Kensington rune stone is a good example, because in that case you were able to provide such evidence. I know it's not undisputed, but it's still evidence.
      By contrast, nobody has - or can - produce evidence for the authenticity of the 1179 map and worse, there is clear evidence of fabrication on the map.
      If you want I can give you the details. But this is no a matter of "assuming" it's a question of taking the evidence at face value.

    13. Hans,

      You know what happens when you "assume" right? Your logic may make sense to you, but it is not the proper way to approach a scientific investigation. You begin with NO preconceived position. You start with a blank slate and do your investigation gathering facts and go where the evidence takes you. That is proper scientific method, NOT assuming something is fake from the get-go.

      After nearly 34 years of conducting scientific laboratory investigations I think I know a little something about this.

  8. Thank you for publishing this Scott. The truth certainly empowers one. I remain a loyal fan. Marty Collins

    1. Marty,

      I appreciate the kind words. It's an unfortunate situation, but the truth is the truth and sometimes it isn't fun.

  9. Scott, I was wondering what on the island intrigued you the most? Whether it be recently found or found much further back?

    1. RealDetective51,

      To be honest, I gave up on Oak Island a decade ago. The island has been turned upside down for over two centuries and I don't believe the brothers and others appearing on the show are the first to use metal detectors on the beaches. I don't buy that at all.

      Regardless, I've always said there is always at least some truth to every legend or myth. However, in this case the brothers have proven to me that whatever may have been there at one time was recovered long ago. Of course they can't address the obvious because, well, you know why.

    2. Scott,
      Really enjoy your works, thanks for sharing all this. I do think there was something on Oak Island at one point, I say this because why would anyone go to all the trouble of digging all of the tunnels and the money pit? What say you? Thanks.

    3. Bruce,

      I have never seen any evidence of flood tunnels. Any time you dig below the water table it will fill in with water. That is a myth.

    4. Scott, that is a great point, maybe at the end of the day it comes down to Occam's razor. Any way hope you get back on TV soon, my wife and I miss you show. I have your Hooked X book as well, we live near Rhode Island, so the rock in the bay was always of interest. Best of luck with your future work! Regards, Bruce

    5. Didn't they find coconut fibre (season 1) at smiths cove ? where the story says it was covering up box drains and acting as filter ? I think the box drains and flood tunnels may exist and the dig this year might uncover it

    6. Patrick,

      I guess we’ll see, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. Just saying...

  10. I believe all parts of this saga including the Cremona document are part of this 'setup'... the brass device does not work and it was very crudely made, and not useable as is.

    1. Henry,

      The brass seal had nothing to do with the "P2 setup" mission. It was found in 1968 and is believed to be roughly 100-200 years old. Don would have to tell us if it was usable.

    2. I believe there are indications that point into that direction. I tried following the method starting from Azores, Pillars of Hercules, and other major ports and you do not arrive to that destination. My analysis of these materials indicated it was part of a scam, but I could not identify with certainity who was behind it. So my range was from 1750 up to modern times. But it was clear that it was an el dorado type scam. Don Ruh's admission put everything into perspective.

  11. Is Figure 5 the one with the letter detailing thisa transcript of the letter? As it looks printed by computer and not typewritten

    1. Henry,

      I'm not certain if it was typewritten or printed. It looks to me like it could be either.

    2. There isnt enough variance in the ink imprint of the fonts, such as darker punctuations, lighter parts, font used (looks modern) to point to a typewriter. This whole story stinks no matter how one sees it...

    3. Henry,

      I saw the original letter and it looks as old as it purports to be. The drawings at the bottom were hand done; it's legit.

    4. The paper could be old... the print on the otherhand...

    5. Henry,

      Jackson signed the letter which makes it at 18 years old since he died in 2000. Further there are hand drawn symbols at the bottom of the page that likely contemporaneous with the text. There is no evidence to suggest the letter wasn't written at the date at the top of page.

    6. Scott,

      What's the deal with the page being two different colors? It's clearly darker from the signature down. My guess would be that it was partially covered and the uncovered part faded?

      Val Miller

    7. Val,

      The fold in the paper created a different angle to the lower part of the paper which impacted lighting which produced a darker shade when the picture was taken. That's all it is.

    8. Okay, cool. The question had to be asked and I'm surprised no one asked it before.

      Val Miller

  12. So Jackson proposes creating at least a few fraudulent items and Ruh is the fraudulent engraver of one of them. They will then salt a fraudulent alleged secret Templar site with one of the fraudulent items to do what exactly? They intend to coax some shadowy Masonic rebel thugs to find the salted fraudulent item using fraudulent directions and the fraudulent engraved thing as a guide(?). Jackson will then confiscate and claim ownership based on his fraudulent pile of clues that he conveniently owns... BUT will also then try to fraudulently sell the fraudulent salted item to the shadowy Masonic thugs?

    Oh yeah, totally legit. Drowning in BS.

    1. Bob,

      It’s called espionage, and you’re getting a glimpse into a world seldom see. You might want to park the smug attitude and think things through before opening your mouth. You should also have more respect for people who have put their lives on the line to keep us all safe. Not all the people who serve our country wear a uniform.

  13. The stone your talking about is that the 90 ft stone

  14. To all concerned, Never having met Scott Wolter or the Lagina brothers,I can make only a small character assessment of the brothers! They are such total gentlemen! Full of nothing but respect towards everyone and Canada! I was going to offer to work for them for just food and lodging. As for you Dr. Wolter, I'm still on pins and needles waiting for more AU. Loyalty to you and the brothers goes within my battle cry... Never give up,Ever! And ,more, please. Best of the best regards,Mike of Orion Avante

    1. Eternalguard,

      I agree the brothers seem like decent people. That is why this situation is so puzzling. I'm at a loss.

    2. Some people seem on the level,some not. What I'm wondering is why isn't anyone looking on the other islands near Oak Island?

    3. I suspect it's because they don't have permits and are focused on where they are legally allowed to dig.

  15. Thank you for giving Mr. Ruh's space to make his very credible and important post. I have known about the dispute over the ownership of the "map" for awhile now and have wondered repeatedly why the Lagina's would give the "map" and subsequent claims so much air time when there was considerable question about how it was obtained. I believe Mr. Ruh actually communicated his position with Mr. Lagina yet it was never addressed on the show. I think (speaking from an academic historical background), that the ownership question seriously calls Mrs. Halpern's credibility into question. I understand what has been shown most recently was a photograph of the "map" but still it is unethical to share primary sources that belong to another party with yet a third party, it is also highly unethical to publish those sources without consent of the rightful owner. Now to see the truth of the "map" come to light almost seems like divine intervention of perhaps karma! Thank you again for bringing this to the public's attention.

    1. Cricket's Nature,

      I see the situation the same way. Rick Lagina visited Don in March of 2017 and Don explained the situation to him. Apparently, Rick either didn't hear him or didn't want to.

  16. Scott
    Could you please explain to us,
    What is you degrees in exactly. What are you accredidated as or in what specialty!
    Thank You

    1. Anonymous,

      I am a licensed professional forensic geologist.

    2. Licensed under whose authority? Who granted your Lucense ?

    3. Joe,

      I am licensed by the State of Minnesota professional licensing board for Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience and Interior Design. I have been a licensed geologist since the first year geologists were granted licenses in 1996.

  17. I only have a question about Oak Island shows especially the one where they found the hole that was on the "Fake Map" The next show they are going to find a "Shaft" or tunnel where the water "Valve" is located on the "Fake Map" If the "Map is Fake" how are they finding these "Shafts, Holes and Tunnels" where the "Map" says they are located. How can the map be "Fake?"

    1. Franklin,

      I have no idea how the information got onto the map. However, the Oak Island mystery has been around for roughly two centuries. That "hole" is a root cellar that has been there for a long time. It goes no where and there are no tunnels; that's B.S.

    2. I know the one they found a couple of years ago was no tunnel but there was supposed to be something hidden there that had been removed. The show coming up New Year's Day is suppose to be where the "valve" is to remove the water from the tunnels. I would bet there is a shaft and tunnels at that location and it is according to the "map."

    3. Franklin,

      I'm sure they'll "find" something. Have to keep the show going somehow. I'll reserve judgment until they have a chance to dig it out.

    4. Franklin, the answer to that very important statement is as Scott stated,they didn't find those things. But that squarish hole served very conveniently for a "hatch" for creative reasons.

  18. Scott, I am fascinated by your take on the history of our country. I am so tired of the manipulation of the tuth!! Thank you so much for trying to wade through all the mis-information the"academic" society pushes off on us! I truly respect you and all of your research. America Unearthed was my favorite program! Any chance we will see it renewed any time soon?? Happy New Year to you and your lovely wife! Thanks, Nancy Curtin

    1. Nancy,

      Thank you for the kind words. 2019 should be a lot of fun; best to you and yours.

  19. History books....rewrite them...History...rewrite it!

    1. Unknown,

      Agreed, but lets be damn sure what we rewrite is carefully done.

  20. Dear Scott,
    1). I am genuinely missing your show, do you have any plans to enrich our interest & knowledge with anything in the future?

    2).Also in the subject of a race Giants in America, (I am limited to what has been aired)but any evidence found always seems to be lost (other than news articles & a possible tooth)but it seems these finds & facts & a or two that left us with more interest & questions possibly (cancelled?)but all I have seen seems to be not only limited but mostly ommited from historical records. This seems to be covered up and hushed as much as the UFO subject.(Lol)

    3).What are your thoughts on the subject of "a giant race & reported finds"? do you have any links or direction for me to learn more on this subject?
    4). Can you share your current subject of what you are researching now?
    Thank you,
    I hope your Holiday was Wonderful,
    Respectfully Yours,
    Ellen Jones

  21. Hi Ellen,

    1. Yes.

    2. I haven't spent much time investigating giants so I don't have much to say about it. I may look into the topic in the future, so stand by.

    3. Same as 2.

    4. Pre-Columbian Templars in America and there's a lot of good stuff to come!

    Happy New Year!


  22. Hey, I advised against running with it but it got good ratings and some notoriety for a couple individuals. Nothing is more biting than Truth.

  23. Sorry Scott, I had not meant to comment anonymously. -Kel Hancock

    1. Kel,

      I understand that, but getting ratings under false pretenses is unethical.

    2. Hence, the reason I'm not involved anymore. My credibility as an historian and, at the time, the Grand Historian of GLNS, was more important than being party to the proliferation of fanciful legends and theories.

    3. Kel, so you have traveled to the east? Good on you for choosing ethics and credibility rather than short-lived, empty notoriety for ego.

      Do you know a man from Nova Scotia named Charlie Rutt?

    4. Yes Brother I know Right Eminent Knight Rutt very well. Charlie is currently the Grand Historian for the Sovereign Great Priory of Canada as you likely know. I should make clear that my opinions of Rick,Marty, and Craig are not the same opinions I hold of Prometheus. I very much enjoyed working with the partners and found them to be quite genuine. My problem was with production and what they did with my research. I also didn't like being gagged from talking about my own work just so that they could spin the story in different directions. I've invested over 30 years to Oak Island research right here ,on the ground, in Nova Scotia. As a descendant of Donald MacInnes I was immersed in this subject long before any of these others came along. With great researchers like the late Paul Wroclawski I put a lot of time and hard work into separating fact from fiction and putting the legend into context through a thorough examination of our colonial history. So I was not at all willing to contribute to muddying the waters with more fantasy. Unfortunately not all people feel the same sense of responsibility and I think production has taken full advantage of that. In my opinion there is still not a single piece of evidence that would indicate an actual treasure on OI nor has anything been found that cannot be attributed to colonial activity or the operations of previous digs. Date ranges of artifacts are being creatively misrepresented,objects that are tested and determined colonial are never mentioned again after the initial on-air speculation, Masonic connections are being embellished, the list goes on and on. I was done when a railroad spike was touted as a Spanish deck spike and an iron cribbing bracket which I have a 1935 invoice for, was proclaimed to be part of a treasure chest. Whilst economically the show has been good for Nova Scotia, the lasting negative effects it will have in the misinformed minds of viewers is devastating though. We now have young Nova Scotians believing in this new pseudo-history of the region based on OI theories and I feel there is a definite agenda by production to Americanize the legend at every turn. A prime example is my distant cousins the McInnis sisters who were presented as part of the long-lost last line of the family. Meanwhile hundreds of McInnis descendants live within a 50km radius of the island alone and we immediately questioned the tale they were telling. That tale also turned out to be almost completely fictional. That sort of thing is the real curse of Oak Island.

    5. Bro Kel,

      Glad to hear you know Brother Rutt; please send my heartfelt greetings the next you meet. He was gracious and generous with his time when we visited in August of 2017. Hearing your experiences and frustrations with Prometheus is not at all surprising. Three times they invited me and three times I refused to appear on the show. While I have no where near the research time invested or the personal connections, I have visited the island and quickly concluded the majority of the legend was myth. During a recruiting call the production company admitted the stone with the "Hooked X" carving was a plant. If that was a plant, what else has been planted?

      While I have never met Rick or Marty, I agree they seem to be decent guys. However, Rick and by extension, Marty and the production company, knew full well Zena Halpern had no right to share any of the Cremona Document material that legally belonged to Donald Ruh. I guess this means the brothers need to do a little soul searching about what is most important, money or personal integrity.

      I've rambled enough; thank you for sharing your experience for the readers to ponder and for setting a good example of what an upright Mason should be. I look forward to meeting you in the future. Fraternally...

    6. Bro. Scott
      I will indeed pass on your greetings to Bro. Charles. I look forward to meeting you on the Level some day and extend warm fraternal greetings from both Nova Scotia and England, the two jurisdictions I belong to. Thank you for sharing this info on your blog and permitting me to add my ramblings.
      fraternally yours,
      R.Wor.Bro.K.W.Hancock, PGHist

    7. "Hancock said the TV series has showcased Oak Island to the world and he think it’s great the program is encouraging people to become interested in history. He said the show has done a lot for tourism in Nova Scotia and the production has supported many local contractors and the local film industry. It has given Nova Scotians another thing to be proud of."

    8. I'm certainly respectful of your opinion and have no issues with your logic. If a railroad spike is not a deck spike then so be it. I think however, we are all missing the point here. Ultimately the show has done more for the skeptic than any historian or writer to date. Dig after failed dig the viewer is ultimately left with a single impression. There is no treasure and that is precisely what you are suggesting here. They are just adding the level of drama that is required to interest the average viewer. When this show is over, every grain of sand will have been overturned. Every hole will have been investigated, every artifact will be explained away and no viewer will be able to believe the treasure exists. It amazes me somehow that everyone jumps to defend their own point of view over the opinions of others when they are, on closer examination, saying the same thing.

    9. Unknown,

      I really don't have anything to add to your comments. I've always said that humans must have a "treasure gene" in our DNA. What else could explain the fascination with a pursuit everyone must know is will only end in disappointment. Logic is screaming, but the audience doesn't hear...

      Amazing to me, but onward they go.

  24. Hello Scott I have a theory about la formule sheet and the stone tablet from Oak island we know that the mith come from an old 19 th century story...and I translate all of it and the story is about a godess of the sea ASHERAH from the Moab and my point is that during the 19 th century the Dr Tristram Thomas he was a Preacher and Historien/archeologist found the Mashita castle is it possible that they mix up the story of those legend they are very similar ?

    1. Guy,

      Just more dead ends in a 200-plus year old dead end story. After six seasons of nothing, has occurred to anyone yet whatever might have been there is long gone?

    2. even if the treasure is gone, there is still evidence it was there (human bones, etc.). Isn't it still worth trying to explain what happened there ?

    3. Patrick,

      No, I think there are much more potentially productive sites than OI, but that’s my opinion.

  25. How is it the letter from 1979 is done on a word processor?

    1. Anonymous,

      Who said this letter was done on a word processor?

    2. The image of the one dated Aug 21 1979 carrying a signature and drawings. I can plainly see it was drafted then printed using a word processor and modern PC printer and not done on a typewriter. How do you explain that?

    3. Anonymous,

      You just did, word processors came out in 1979 and this letter is dated October 21. The government certainly had them by then; what’s the problem?

    4. Glorified electric typewriters that were called word processors existed prior to 1979. They made very nice documents without the noted issues of manual typewriter created documents. I’ve typed on them.

  26. Dear Don ,
    Glad to see that Scott Wolter is sharing his arena to help inform people of the truthful information I know you had and the sequence we talked about years ago. What is unfortunate is that now we know this document was a good forgery, it cast a shadow on other " evidence or artifacts" .
    Best wishes , Annie C. Cloutier (member neara)

    1. Hi Annie,

      The confusion is because the Oak Island show is trying to take advantage of the clearly fraudulent map and milk the authentic material for their own financial ends. They really don't care what is real or not as long as they get ratings. This has muddied the waters of truth. They have shown no compunction to differentiate fact from fiction with the documents and that is why Don wrote this blog post.

      Beyond his book, Don and I are also working on a different avenue to investigate and present the authentic Cremona Document material so it can be properly understood and appreciated. Stay tuned on that front as there is a lot more to come.

    2. Im not saying that some artifacts may have been planted. But to be honest, this has nothing to do with the show, or the brothers. This issue is between Zena and Don Ruh. Even if they knew it was a fake map, I place no blame to the brothers. that is all that slimy production company. The search is real, the TV reality part of this, not so much. I am saddened that this could have occurred to Don, but if Zena thought it was a real map, than shame on all of you.

    3. Gina,

      Your missing the point, when Zena broke the agreement with Don and took his material to the brothers it is still incumbent upon them to make sure the intellectual material they use on their show is free and clear to use. The brothers and Prometheus are one and the same in this situation; tied at the hip as it were. That the map is bogus is immaterial to the fact they must get clearance, in writing, to use someone else’s copyrighted material. That is why people are asked to sign waivers by the production company.

      The other problem the brothers have is Rick met personally with Don in March of 2017 and was informed by Don of the situation with Zena and his material. There’s no way around it Gina, the brothers and Prometheus own this one.

    4. Gina ,
      With all due respect,my friend,I think it's fair that I put things into perspective. From reading thru emails I was ccd in it's evident that Zena was under the impression that the first time any of this had been shared with anyone connected to OI was when she,herself, shared it with my former research partner. However,this is not the case. Someone who was allegedly working with Zena sent me the whole story with the photos and scans almost a full year prior to that. She asked me to analyze it and give her an opinion as to whether she ,the sender,was being taken for a ride by Zena et al. I reviewed it and formed an opinion based on historical errors and discrepancies in the narrative ,that it was a hoax. At that time I had no idea who Zena Halpern was. The only associated name I recognized was Jim McInnis which raised another red flag. I had no knowledge of any other work being done on the material and there was no mention of a book. I sat on it for something like 4-5 months before I asked if I might share it with my partner. He felt that it was something that the partners and production should see and got permission to share it. I briefed everyone on my deductions and conclusions and advised caution. Then I stepped away and let the chips fall. My partner began regular communication with Zena and production ran with the storyline. I wasn't interested in participating in that for obvious reasons. People were briefed and advised on the dubious nature of the material and I'm sure Ms.Halpern had every opportunity to declare that the material was the intellectual property of third parties. I'm not saying necessarily that anyone was intentionally acting in bad faith but that's what ended up happening.

    5. Bro Kel/Gina,

      I can also tell you that I was in direct communication with Zena for 13 years prior to her death and listened as she convinced herself she didn't need to honor her agreement with Don. I repeatedly advised her not to do what she ultimately did. Zena was a very smart and good person and was dealing with serious health issues for several years. I'm sure this impacted her judgment that ultimately led to her making a poor decision.

      If she had maintained a good relationship with Don I'm sure knowledge of the fraudulent map would have come out prior to it being featured on television. That is my belief, but obviously things didn't work out. Regardless, the situation is what it is and only the brothers and Prometheus can fix it by coming clean with the facts as they are and returning the material that belongs to Don.

      Don is a very smart and generous person. I'm confident he'd be willing to share any legitimate material he has that might be related to the brother's pursuits on the island. That material does not include the Cremona Document, but he does have related documents other than the fraudulent OI map.

      Zena made a mistake that is forgivable, but she would have had nothing without Donald Ruh (and the late Bill Jackson) sharing the material with her in the first place. I believe that honest, upright behavior by the OI team now can result in a win-win situation for everybody.

    6. Kel, can you expand on " was a hoax"? Are you referring to just the map or all of the material related to Zena? It sounds like you mean ALL the material. If that's the case, then her book, and anything and everything to do with Ruh is included by extension; yes or no?

    7. Is the agreement between Don and Zena not legally binding? If it is, why is Don politely asking for the return of his property instead of demanding it back in a court of law, along with any of the other compensation mentioned in the agreement? What exactly did Don discuss with Rick in 2017? Did he explicitly tell Rick he did not have permission to use the material and there would be legal consequences if he did?

      On a related note, are we really expected to believe that any of these types of shows are going to make some amazing discovery only to keep it to themselves for a few months or however long it is until the episode airs?

      How much can a show like this earn the brothers? Seems like they're spending an awful lot more money this season, doing 'new' things that really aren't new at all, just very costly, and which could have been used from the start of the show. I think they already found their treasure.

    8. The Lagina brothers aren't spending one dime on anything. The network pays for everything including the brothers who I'm sure are being paid quite well, and they should be since the show is doing well.

    9. what ? the show pays for custom made drilling equipment made in Korea and stuff like that ? im not buying that at all. The Laginas have invested money imo. and quite a lot too.

    10. Patrick,

      No, the production/network pays for it. The Lagina’s aren't spending any money, they are getting very well paid. Pardon the pun, but you can take that to the bank.

  27. Guesh(/) guus jumeh she ikmm kei beoihr asu joshuah. (90 foot stone tablet )
    Find here frigga godess of the sea she could be heard like the savior.
    I translate the la formula sheet and knowing that it belong to Don I will be happy to send him or to you the translation and the alphabet chart.
    Best regards and Happy new year
    Guy St-James

  28. The la formule sheet story is a poem of Jacques de Plancy 1860 so it is a proof that it have nothing to do with Oak Island can't beleive that Zena wasn't able to translate it. Or maybe she knew ???

    1. Guy,

      In fairness to Zena, I'm not aware that she tried to translate it or spent any time at all with it. Essentially you're saying the La Formule paint is a hoax as well? Is that correct?

  29. I am not sure if it is a hoax but those poems are from 1860 and more..same language and same alphabet chart from the stone. Zena try to bring that godess in the show did'nt make it tought is, this is also fake it look like someone translate the stone and draw that sheet to related it to the story of it. like they did with the map..or maybe all of this belong to another Quest...But it does not belong to oak island this I am 100 % sure those poems are from the middle of the 19th can it be related to Oak island ???

    1. Guy,

      I wish I was more informed about this particular subject matter. I'm so detached from the Oak Island story at this point, it's all nonsense to me.

  30. Whatever the real story of Oak Island the work of the late Paul Wroclawski, Dick Joltes ,the late Dennis King 33°, myself and others have all pointed to plausible explanations of most aspects and motifs of the legend that don't indicate treasure or ancient involvement. All of this has been overlooked by the show in favour of the fantastic. For myself personally I feel confident that the political climate and level of rebel sympathy in Nova Scotia leading up to and during the American Revolution explains the activity on the island which became the genesis of the legend. Activities supported with archival evidence. A fascinating story of sedition and treason. Real history.

    1. Bro Kel,

      Everything connected geologically to the Oak Island story is either complete myth or can be easily explained. There has never been any evidence of flood tunnels, nine levels, underground chambers, etc., only fanciful double talk by the narrator. All that aside, it is certainly within the brothers right to legally search for whatever they want and making a fiction-filled reality TV show is also not against the law. I just wish they would be more honest about what's going on, but then the show would be over. I don't know what the historical, personal, environmental, and political fallout will be when this show is over, but already there have been casualties to certain people's credibility and the sad part is it could have been prevented.

    2. Lol ...
      I am not so sure as far as the Oak Island team itself goes. There is a difference between dishonesty and eternal optimism.
      Like for example that they gave this guy on the last episode, Trevor?, with the Taurus theory the benefit of the doubt is just blowing me away.

    3. Hans,

      I didn't watch the episode and won't be. If it looks like B.S., smells like B.S., tastes like B.S....

  31. I just think that the stone and the la formule sheet are a Hoax from the start to promote the Oak island legend. And all of this is a dead end real find all of the stuff that they find through the years are hoax or related to the resident.

  32. Mr. Wolter- did Mr. Ruh introduce you to the Jackson children-via in person or email

    1. Anonymous,

      I prefer not to answer a personal question like that; especially to someone named "anonymous." Besides, what difference does it make?

  33. Ok I just discover that ...after all happens with the map and the la formule sheet ...Oak island change the scenario ; they found a new 90 foot stone a limestone wich come from a ancient lithography workshop with an inscription L IV on it...sorry but finding an old carved limestone over there and push it like it's THE stone is a big pill to swallow..and guess what the next week after they found a log with a IV on it ..coï way ..there is no more doubt and I do beleive all you are saying about it ...that show is shame !!!

    1. Guy,

      As I've said many times, enjoy the show as entertainment. It's a reality TV show.

  34. it makes a difference, from reading what Mr. Ruh wrote, as to if Jackson is a fabrication or not, too ? Your site offers the option of Anonymous.

    1. Bill Jackson was a real person who passed away in 2000.

      "Anonymous" is part of the blog software; I prefer people use their real names. It's a matter of integrity; I'm sure you understand.

  35. Hi Scott,

    I'm a big fan of yours, but I must say, you've been too dismissive of other commenters' concerns about Figure # 5. The letter, purportedly written by Dr. Jackson in 1979, clearly looks like it was created using a computer; not a typewriter, which would have been used in 1979. Look closely at the character spacing and font style. Notice how the periods and commas have very little spacing in front of them. You're not going to get those characteristics on a pre-1979 typewriter, and this is just one of several red flags in the font. In one of your previous responses, you note that "Jackson signed the letter which makes it at 18 years old since he died in 2000". The counterpoint is that signatures can be forged at anytime by anyone. If the letter is fake, it makes Mr. Rue's entire claim highly suspicious.

    Throw on top of that the content of the letter. I have no idea who these people are or what their motivations were in devising the scheme outlined in the letter, but it clearly looks like they were conspiring to commit crimes. Whether for good or bad (you seem to indicate that they were doing this to get some bad guys), I'm not judging. My point is that it calls into question Mr. Rue's credibility and opens the possibility that he could have forged the 1979 letter to discredit others (e.g. the late Mrs. Halpern whom he acknowledged having a falling out with and the hugely successful Curse of Oak Island TV show for using materials that he feels belong to him).

    1. Josh,

      You have no evidence other than speculation to make a claim the letter is fake. However, that is your right. Word processors were available in 1979 so I don’t know what the problem is?

      The Spartan Group was an organization that worked to stop criminals. As far as Mr. Ruh’s credibility goes, I wouldn’t be dealing with him if I had a questions about it. Ms. Halpern signed a contract and then violated it by giving copyrighted material to the Lagina brothers. It’s as simple as that. From a legal standpoint, the OI TV show does not have clear title to use the material that clearly belongs to Mr. Ruh.

      Those are the facts.

  36. With all due respect, in your shows, you portray yourself as a man who follows scientific evidence/facts and being open minded to challenging conventional thinking. As an outside observer, there appear to be some red flags surrounding Mr. Rue's claims, primarily the authenticity of the 1979 letter and his motivation.

    You are correct, I don't have any evidence other than what’s provided on your blog post. You are also correct that word processors were available back in the 70’s. The problem and doubt about Figure #5, which several independent people have pointed out to you, is in the print quality and font. Hopefully, you did proper due diligence to protect your own credibility since you gave Mr. Rue a podium to voice his grievances.

    If Mr. Rue feels betrayed or slighted by Mrs. Halpern or TCOI, he should hire a good attorney and pursue this matter in the courts. Unfortunately for him, the agreement he signed with her is poorly structured and poorly written. Without knowing all the facts, I doubt he has any claims against TCOI for using Mrs. Halpern's research & a copy of the map because the agreement states that all of the research will remain with Mrs. Halpern. The agreement talks about revenue sharing on movies but doesn't mention TV shows (Does that matter?… Did Mrs. Halpern even get paid to appear on TCOI?). IMO - The best he can hope for is to get half of her book proceeds, which I’m sure pales in comparison to the show's profits.

    BTW - The 1979 letter could be put to the test by testing the date of the paper & ink and analyzing the font & handwriting. If he files a lawsuit against TCOI or Mrs. Halpern’s estate, that’s exactly what their attorneys are going to do in order to discredit him.

    1. Josh,

      The person you see on television is the same person in real life, and you are correct that I take my credibility very seriously. I have known Don for 13 years and can vouch for his honesty and integrity. That is why I have allowed Mr. Ruh to post this blog. I wouldn’t be involved in the Cremona Document if I had any serious doubts. The questions people have pointed out about the letter are simply that; questions. In my view, having seen the letter in person along with numerous other documents with Bill Jackson’s handwriting and signature I am confident the letter is legitimate.

      With regard to the situation between Don and Ms. Halpern, it is as straightforward as the agreement states. It boils down to a matter of honesty, integrity and following through on your commitments. Zena simply didn’t do that and Don is trying to make things right from his perspective which he has every right to do.

      As far as any potential legal wranglings go, Don is an adult and will do what he feels is appropriate.

    2. Any test of the paper should not be assumed to be a final remark on the authenticity. Even rudimentary document forgers try to forge on paper that is contemporary to the date of the supposed authoring. The ink, however, is sometimes overlooked and the micro environment is hard to forge. Laser printers will leave a distinct conditioning to the paper, modern ink jets will leave a similarly conditioning and modern ink is quite different, under the microscope than ink produced in the 70's.

    3. Great blog. Leaves much to think. That said, how does the strange wealth of Sam Ball play into conventional thinking? Perhaps he did find a chest or two but otherwise the island is bare? In my opinion a forensic study of this wealth is a logical step. Are there account of Sam Ball paying for properties or mundanes with gold or otherwise unique coins and gems? Was Sam simply a paid caretaker of the Island for interested English military parties? There are so many questions with Sam that might help to understand more. What say you?

    4. Sam Ball may have found a treasure and became wealthy; who knows? One thing is for certain in my view is there is nothing there today and you will never hear that uttered on the show for it would be curtains.

  37. I'm convinced the island was just a salt works. It makes a lot of sense if salt was more valuable than gold during these times, you'd want to build a clandestine spot to manufacture it and make as much as you could - and not be taxed by some king.

    I'm sure the island has had treasue from ships these pirates looted - but it's been 'discovered' and moved/spent long ago.

    I'm sure there were a lot of maps and legends out there about the island and how valuable the salt mine on it was and how to get there navigating by the stars.

  38. Hello Scott...please go read about the acadians dyke systems from 1600 to a geologist you will understand why they may dig forever without finding any treasure the biggest and longest revenge of history you should write about it ...have a good day #acadians # slaves #bestprankever

  39. Mr. Ruh- what years did Mr.Jackson go by that name? Halpern's book states Christmas of 2011 as to when you found the map in the book, your statement above states 2015. Thank you for any clarification on those 2 questions.

    1. Don Ruh's Reply,

      What map is this person who is not proud enough of who they are enough to mention their name, referring to?

      If it is the Annoati book I do not remember when I found it in her home. I do not state any date in my book. If you think you read it in my book it's because you skimmed it. Go back and read it again. It was placed in the book prior to 1998. The pictures of the possible structures below Oak Island I acquired around 2016.

  40. Scott: Re: "The Curse of Oak Island"... The show relies heavily on speculation on the Templars. Were you ever asked to appear on the show, or have you ever offered to appear on the show? Just curious. Thanks.


    1. BL,

      I have been asked three times to appear on the show and respectfully declined each time. I care about my credibility.


    1. Hans,

      After reviewing your analysis of the 1179 map, there are some things you did well and others not so much. For example, the phrase in French, "24th of June" refers to John the Baptist day which is very important to the Knights Templar, then and now. Why it appears on the map is unclear. If it is a legitimate copy (which is most certainly is) then it could be coded references to something we have not figured out yet.

      Second, you assume a "swindler", a label you have no evidence to support its use for, then added the lower half of Nova Scotia to the map. It seems obvious to me the layout of the map you correctly point out is not drawn to proper scale or relative position of land masses, the artist was trying to put a lot of information onto one piece of vertically aligned paper. This explains what these geographic inconsistencies are, but does not explain why they chose to do it.

  42. Scott, should the map be found legitimate, or even portions of it, would the "La courant de monstre" not be referring to the tides of the Bay of Fundy?

    1. Mike,

      yes, that would be my interpretation as well. I've been to the Bay of Fundy and the tides truly are monstrous!

  43. Just some comments re: Hans’ analysis of the 1179 map.

    Inhuit: correct spelling when first identified, 1818 first contact with white visitors

    Latitude N 45.15: correct location if measured from the North Pole down

    Le Courant de Monstre: correct location off the east coast of Nova Scotia if referring to the Labrador Current flowing south causing cold waters and dense fog.

    Le Vingt Quatre de Trin: correct for June 24th and can refer to the Summer Solstice as well as St. John the Baptist Day.

    Additional comments:

    There is a fairly large area of land that loops out into the Atlantic that is missing on this map from what is now Peggy’s Cove to near the Longitude of Halifax

    The possible indication of a partially erased graphite pencil line exists just north of where Peggy’s Cove is today.

    One can use the two Star of David icons as reg. marks to align the two parts of NS

    1. Alex,

      You observations of the map match mine, but there is more going on. Not everything related to this map and the other known three in the Cremona Document have been made public... yet!

  44. Scott, you say "your observations of the map match mine" but previously you accepted that "courant" means "tide" and now you accept that it means "current"? You'll probably call this a "gotcha". Sometimes what you call a gotcha is just a fair question.

    Val Miller

    1. Val,

      Google Translate has "courant" meaning "current". Is "tide" really that different in the context of the map? You can claim "gotcha" if you want, Congrats. What does it contribute to the conversation?

    2. Not claiming "gotcha" at all! Just "fair question". I'm sure you'll agree that it's a rare seafaring people that uses the same word for "tide" and "current".

      Val Miller

    3. Val,

      True, I like 'current' better than 'tide.'

  45. Dawn,

    The truth is what matters and always seems to bubble to the surface sooner or later...

  46. Thanks for posting my comment, Scott.
    You are far too forgiving!
    I would have dismissed the map as a fraud had I found just one red flag. I found about 10 of them.
    I know I am a bit harsh, but harsh scrutiny makes for good science. I would change my mind if some positive evidence of authenticity could be produced - I don't know of any. Yes the map could be authentic, but the evidence does not support it.

    1. Hans,

      Remember, these are your opinions. It doesn't mean you are correct. I would argue the evidence contained within the map does support authenticity. We have to agree to disagree on that.

  47. Yea, it doesn't contribute really. My problem with the phrase is the "de monstre". It's just not real French. Nobody who speaks French would say that, like "current of the monster". But somebody who uses Google or a dictionary to translate "monster current" to French might end up with "courant de monstre".

    1. Hans,

      Again, you are making a supposition based on current-day knowledge. If authentic, the phrase was written in the 12 Century, and surely copied at least once, and might have hidden meaning or was perfectly fine French for the individual who wrote it. We simply don't know the context under which it was written.

    2. Hmm ...
      I have a really bad feeling about this map. Just make sure it does not lead you to embarrassment.
      Below some thoughts I had on identifying fake "French" documents.

  48. Scott,

    Longtime contributor, also a fan of not only ur book but history in general..... i’m Rather disappointed in your analysis and complete disregard for the operation on OI. Now, let’s ignore the ridiculous narrator as he does more damage to the show than good but let’s focus on the idea of it all. Your entire reason for living is to prove history wrong and you’ve done a damn good job, but how, as a man of history, can u possibly throw shade on a project designed to give your work credibility to those that do to you what you’re doing to them. There is most certainly an above average chance there is no big chest of gold anywhere on that island, as the story goes Samuel Ball found 3 chests, but regardless, they have found a significant amount of historical treasures including an iron cross that has an identical depiction on the wall in the Templar jail in Domme, France. A lot of their finds seem to come from a British stop over dating to the time of the war of 1812, some the jeweled brooches and iron cross are far far far earlier, the coconut fiber was dated hundreds of years, and so on...... and like with anything that’s been trampled on by as many people as OI, there are going to be a ton of questions and skepticism. I value ur opinion and try to take everything I see and hear with a grain of salt, but as fans of history (and a damn good mystery) we should be using their research as tools to strengthen our own.

    Anyways, need to get ur new book...... keep doing what you do best, looking forward to seeing you on the small screen again soon.


    1. Hi Mike,

      My disregard of OI is based upon several factors. First, I have been to the island twice and concluded there was nothing there related to the Templars. Second, I know for a fact the "Hooked X" stone "found" on the island was plant. If that stone was planted, what else might have been planted? Third, the countless times they have misled the audience is frankly, unforgivable as far as this being a serious, meaningful investigation. Flood tunnels? How about the water table; it's a glacial end moraine island on the ocean for Pete's sake. Lastly, do you really think they are the first people to take a metal detectors to the beaches there? Please...

      It's a well produced TV show and should be enjoyed as entertainment.

  49. Scott, I was hoping to see a response from you but perhaps my comment didn’t go through. I’m wondering about the “The Mother of God” phrase in Portuguese, alongside the “God” notation in Latin and whether you have any thoughts on it.

    Mike B from NS

    1. Mike B,

      It seems pretty clear to me the reference is to the Goddess. This is consistent with what I've been saying for years was at root of true ideology of the initiated leadership of the Templar's. We also see the use multiple language in the Cremona Document that are further encrypted to protect their important communications. Works for me.

      In fact, I'm convinced the three Hooked X's seen peppered throughout this map is the map makers/cartographer's mark acknowledging Deity (a female in this case) as a way of blessing or protecting this sacred document.

  50. Mr. Ruh, on page 325 *your index* you show a diagram, Figure 250, Hugh de Payens Ancestry Chart, compliments of Clifford Bosworth 1967. Since that subject interests me and I have read most of the late Mr. Bosworth's books on the subject, I went to his book series of that year. This ancestry chart is not remotely in that book. Why?

    1. Anonymous,

      Don said he's not going to answer questions from people who comment as "Anonymous." Don is a stand-up guy and expects those he interacts with be the same way. It starts with putting your real name behind your comments. Sorry, but I totally agree with him.

  51. Hello Scott,

    Please remove the fake Anthony post.
    American Negro/American Cool Disco Dan from the Hate Blog is attempting to mess with me. He has already cut and pasted the exchange. He is lashing out. "Dan" has claimed to be "Muslim" and continuously calls people "Faggot".
    I made some ambiguous statements, allowing his mind to fill the gap. Needless to say, he made a fool out of himself.

    I was seeking two distinct minds by, posting on the Hate Blog. When I found Patrick, he responded to me by name. this allowed the trolls to figure out who I was before, I could find the other mind.

    I will email you before, I post to your blog again.

    The REAL Anthony Warren

    1. Anthony,

      I don't understand why anyone wastes their time on the hate blog site. It offers nothing honest or productive and that they mine content from my blog says all you need to know. Don't go there man.

    2. Scott,

      I note that you are more permissive with opposing views than you used to be (thank you!) but the above strikes me as a hate post, along with the "Gay Muslim" post which you rightly deleted.

      Keep on chooglin'!

      Val Miller

  52. Scott,

    They are not all bad people. Just a hand full of weasels, who have taken over. I have learned of Norse Sagas, I was previously unaware, and followed links provided by Patrick.

    Their attempted insults are weak. My wife does better when she's mad!

    I do not plan on commenting on you blog until, there is something new. I have not purchased, or read either book. Therefore, I have nothing to contribute.

    I will say, within my own family tree, I have come across children making trek's back and forth between Scotland and Ireland. A young age does not disqualify someone from riding aboard a ship.

    Would you please ask Patrick Shekelton if it's cool to swap email addresses? If so, you can pass along mine to him. I will email you later today for confirmation.

    I apologize for tracking in, after stepping in something.

    Anthony Warren

  53. To Mr. Wolter or Mr. Ruh- in the years now that you have had the Mayan necklace, figure 57 in Ruh book, has it been tested and results posted?

    1. From Don,

      No, I haven't. My former female friend had shown it to someone she knew at the SEDIGH Gallery in NY City and they said it was a Mayan design from about 100 to 400 AD but would not give us any paperwork to confirm their opinion. Bill had the container tested but his results are inconclusive. The dates mentioned in his notes and published in the book are not to be relied upon as I have stated in the work.

      In the future I refuse to answer any questions unless the sender identifies themselves by name and email. Please post this on my behalf. Thanks. Eye Surgery limits my time on the computer.

  54. Scott, glad to see your America Unearthed Show rebroadcast on the Travel Channel! I'm enjoying the shows even more the second time around! Hope to see you soon with your next adventure.

    1. Hi Nick,

      You never know; good things come to hose who wait! Thanks for taking the time to send such a kind note.

  55. Hi Scott:
    Thank you so much for the information above, as it helps round out the understanding of OI history. I have your Hooked X book and watch your shows as well. I also watch each season of OI. Just a comment on how I approach all of this... I can understand your comment that OI is entertainment; however, I pick what I think is historical from the show vs. entertainment - i.e. the planted hooked x I didn't believe when first shown, but the u-shape structure and other structures they are finding in Smiths Cove are very interesting. I pick what I want to take away, or leave, based on various parameters. But I can say the same with your material - i.e. I don't buy into the hooked x on the Jesus ossuary or the bloodline theories. But I wouldn't stop reading and watching your material. I can't go the places you go to - I can do the things you do - so your research and public presentation of it is invaluable to people like me. To me it's self evident that a person interested in history tests everything they read or watch to some degree before drawing a conclusion. And even when we draw a conclusion, new material may change our view point later. Same with OI - I don't have the time or resources to go there myself. So what the brothers bring to me - sure I have to test it - but I'd rather have them bring it in this format than nothing at all?

    So what is it I am trying to say? I guess that none of us should be too gullible or accepting, but to test things out and do our own research as well. Doing my own research is what helped me find the above blog, which has helped me to round out my OI knowledge.

    Keep up the good work! And looking forward to your next stuff!


    1. James,

      Your assessment is reasonable and fair. I'm glad you're a 'glass is half full" guy which is admirable. Keep up the search and I will do the same. The pursuit of knowledge is the key and should a life long endeavor.

      Thanks for the thoughtful comments.

  56. Damn well put James.

    Scott, since James touched on it, might I break topic for a sec, got a question that seriously bothered me since I saw the episode. I know since it’s a tv show there is lots of cutting and pasting in the editing room, and most of these shows are scripted but you met up with 2 gentlemen from Minnesota (I seriously hope i’m Not mixing up episodes here) and they had found something in a cave (I think it was a ancient bath house or watering system) and you for some reason weren’t allowed in the state park to examine it. Hopefully I haven’t confused you, but how is it you can’t enter a state park? Why on earth would you even obey such rubbish, instead they brought the camera in a room a few minutes of footage. If I lost you, disregard, but if you know what I mean, can u explain whether that whole scene was ratings hogwash or for some odd reason they seriously wouldn’t let you see it


    1. MIke,

      The land is now owned by a logging company and they denied us access to film on the property. They were concerned people would trespass trying to locate it even after we told them we'd do everything to keep the location secret. They still said no.

  57. Scott, In light of these relics being found in upstate NY, what are the implications on the Joseph Smith story of the finding of golden tablets about 150 miles away and the beginnings of Mormonism? That story now seems more credible. Thanks, love everything you do.


    1. Frank,

      I can see where you're going with this, but I don't buy one word of the "Golden Tablets" story until I see something tangible which at this point likely won't happen.

      If I sound a little jaded about Joseph Smith it's because I am. I read a book published in 1886 written by a German author, Dr. W. Wyl, titled, "Mormon Portraits: Joseph Smith." He interviewed several living members of Smith's cult after he was killed, including he first wife Emma, and frankly, it's a horrifying read.

      If you get a chance to read it you'll likely be skeptical too.

  58. Scott, I watched the show last night. The stone chamber in Pennsylvania was really interesting. On the show you claimed that over 800 such stone structures exist in the United States then a map graphic was shown with red dots all over the East Coast and a few clusters in the Midwest. Can you tell me where that map came from, please? I'd like to contact the person keeping track of these various locations. Thanks.


    1. TJ,

      The best source for that information is the New England Antiquities Research Association (NEARA). Over the years they have mapped thousands of mysterious stone walls, chambers, standing stones, etc.

  59. Its not the hunt for treasure that intrests me. Its the hunt for our true history. Frankly i take TCOI with a grain of salt but i still cant wait for the next episode. Scott, thanks for your work exploring our true history. What i learned in your history channel series was a revalation for me and i cant wait for more.

    1. Marcus,

      Don't let me spoil your fun. I tell people to enjoy the show as entertainment. All good. You might see more of my work in the future; stay tuned.

  60. Scott,

    It is all very interesting to read the depths to which experts in their field have to go to prove a hypothesis. To some, like me, there is a lot of wheel spinning going on. Minds latch on to something specific when there are larger concerns.

    America was colonized a long, long time ago. The evidence is overwhelming. America had a Royal Family. Those that remain are still being educated to their lineage. And, efforts to silence their existence may be part of the same Revolution that ended their reign.

    With respect to your studies...
    When do you feel the Americas were colonized given that scholars seem to be united with pyramids being built in 250 BC?

    I am not a troll. My genius daughter says I troll the trolls though. I have spent time on the hate blog to learn their arguments and locate their source materials. I have even gotten to the point where they admit they are wrong, admit I am right with the evidence I advance, and that they don't care. They wish to suppress to keep their idea of a lesser America alive.

    1. Eagle Feather,

      North America was already "colonized" by the indigenous people thousands of years prior to contact by various groups from other continents. I suspect numerous cultures landed here, stayed and if they survived assimilated into native tribes within a generation or two if not immediately.

      As you may have noticed trolls get a short leash here. Tough questions are fine, but I won't let this site become a haven for haters. The quickest to get your comments not posted is by being "Anonymous."

    2. Have never posted by Anonymous. Eagle Feather is the name my father gave me when I was young. Eirik Sinclair is the name I have taken after learning of my lineage.

    3. Scott,

      After reviewing the 1910 AD preliminary report given on the Kensington Runestone to the historical society, I wish to point out that the academic world is in need of help when the ‘experts’ are predisposed to denial.

      The critique that ensued in the report was based on the inscription's translation, but mainly over the words used to describe the inscription. Never did they interpret the ‘skerries’ as transcribed as referring to the two sea portals. Hudson Bay and Lake Superior. For 'experts' to search for rocks on a lake is justifiably laughable.

      Olaf Ohman was a true Swede. The scholarly embarrassment put forth by the report could only be detected by a Swede who understands the purpose of a Runestone, that knowledge which academics wish to conceal.

      As to his theology of the dating. Languages are used by royal classes first, and therefore have a history beyond the academic world. Academics date languages using the dates on the books used to teach the language to the working classes. The report is dated by an 'expert' that shows he is no 'expert'. Especially when he did not entertain the idea of multiple forms of languages being used to denote a historical event.

      For the most part, the report confirmed the truth even though they went through great lengths to find issue with it. 1402 AD.

      The Kensington Runestone did not state it was done on behalf of a king because it was commissioned by a Royal Patron, one who would not refer to himself. It is a historical marker, that was part of a memorial, that was commissioned to denote a past event. Passed along by those still amongst the living, until a time in which they felt the Runestone could be unveiled. As it was... and those in denial should just live with it!

      *God Proximo – Crete
      *Samson – Israel
      *Alexander – Egypt
      *Archemedes – Sicily (Seed of Thor)
      *Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus – Roman Zeus (Religion of Thor)
      *Henry Bartholomaeus-Mesoamerica (Student of Thor)
      *Henry Bartholomew-Bimini Island
      *Constantine-Byzantine American Indian
      *Henry St. Clair-Scotland
      *Henry Sinclair-American Northeast
      *Henry VIII-Ireland & England
      *Bartholomew Roberts-Welsh Pirate
      *Black Bart-American Southwest

      Two genetic lines fused, Greek & Egyptian

    4. Speaking of thousands of years ago ... have you investigated THE RED PAINT PEOPLE if Maine ??
      I'm a huge fan ... can't wait to see you have another program!!
      Nick Barajas

    5. Nick,

      We have not investigated the Red Paint People and it's a subject I would like to tackle. Stay tuned...

  61. Scott,

    I'm researching the Templars from another angle. Do you have information about them adopting the Biblical and African custom of the menstrual hut?

    Val Miller

    1. Val,

      I do not have any information on that front; good luck!

  62. I am a bit confused, I have watched video of Jovan Hutton Pulitzer claiming to be working with you on production of a documentary on the 90 ft stone. Is this true? What is your relationship with JHP? In an early episode of OI JHP is referring to the Ark of the Covenant once being on Oak Island. Just trying to put 2 and 2 together. On a side note I really enjoyed your show and look forward to more work from yoh

    1. Hutton and I are not working on a documentary. We are friends, but are working on separate, independent projects. I have no opinion with regard to the OI show as I don’t watch it or buy into the basic premise. If the brothers have proven anything it’s there is no treasure on the island.

    2. Not very scientific of you to make statements such as this about something you say you don't watch. The OI show is ongoing so only time will tell if there is or is not "treasure" on the island. It also depends on your definition of the word treasure. As stated on that show, they are after information and answers more than monetary gain.

      I'm glad your show found a new home. I like hearing some of your ideas, particularly the ones that have supporting facts. I do find your show entertaining for the most part and some of your ideas a bit far fetched.

      Bill Williams
      (I know you don't like "anonymous" posters, but the bog software you use seems limited in options for people to properly sign in)

    3. Bill,

      The statements I make about this show are based on having visiting the island, and having multiple interactions with the production company. There is no treasure there and even though I stopped watching the show after season 2, I know exactly what is going on because I hear about it literally every day. Watch the show as entertainment and you’ll be fine. People ask my opinion and I give it. You are free to disagree, but know that my opinion is based on plenty of facts.

  63. Scott,

    I know you don't go to "the hate blog" but like Anthony and Eagle Feather I look at it and it's imploding over there. The host is being called out on allowing seriously racist posts and deletes the posts calling him out but not the racist posts themselves. I think I'm going to be staying away, enough is enough. Just had to learn it on my own.

    Val Miller

    1. Val,

      I'm not trying to tell other people what to do, of course you are free to do whatever you wish. I know you understand how I feel and I appreciate that. Eventually, persistent negativity takes its toll on people and that seems to be what's happening over there.

      There is a lot of really good positive stuff I'll be presenting here so stay tuned. It will be fun!

  64. Hi Scott:

    Any chance this new season of "America Unearthed" will go back and revisit subjects from the last few seasons? 1.5 billion pounds of missing copper from Lake Superior? That figure is pretty ridiculous, no? I understand that you did not come up with that figure and that you were just quoting someone else, but it is still pretty irresponsible not to refute this claim even once over the course of the show. It seems strange to me that you wouldn't even question the assertion. It would not have taken away from your "American copper being used for the European bronze age" theory at all. Instead, questioning the 1.5 billion pounds figure would have added to your credibility.

    I really want to like you, and I'm hoping for more than just flashy, unsupportable catchphrases from the new season.


    1. Jay,

      I would love to go back and revisit some of the subjects we explored in the first three seasons.

      No, 1.5 billion pounds of copper collected both off the ground as float copper, and mined out of the thousands of known pits in the Lake Superior region over the course of 6-8,000 years isn’t ridiculous. That’s about 187,500 pounds, or less than 100 tons per year between Native Americans and whoever else might have traveled there and collected copper and seems reasonable to me. You might want to tap the brakes and think it through a little more before accusing me of being reckless and irresponsible.

      In any case, you are welcome to your opinion. Enjoy the shows.


    2. Re: Tapping the brakes.... I am indeed welcome to my own opinion just as you are, but we should both be using the same facts to fashion our opinions, right?

      I'm not sure you can classify copper mined by Native Americans as "missing". The fact that native Americans have mined copper in this region for thousands of years is common knowledge. Archaeologists still find tools and Native American artifacts all the time on the island and near the mine pits. The falsely estimated "missing" copper would allegedly have been mined by the "mystery" culture your episode was trying to track down, the mystery culture that nobody has found any evidence of other than the ONE very controversial unfired Newberry clay tablet a few hundred miles from the island.

      Isle Royale's Minong Mine, the very mine you visited in the episode, was the island's biggest producer of copper. It was an active mine for 10 years and only produced 250 tons of copper using semi-modern mining techniques. You're alleging that the equivalent of 30,000 Minong Mines worth of copper was just sitting around on the surface of the ground at some point? Isle Royale is approximately 200 square miles. That would be around 37,000 tons of float copper per square mile or the equivalent of approximately 150 Minong Mines per square mile. Ridiculous.

      Nobody would argue that copper deposits in this region were amazingly large and rich. The real history of Keweenaw copper and the area Native American heritage is way more interesting than the fairy tale you're trying to perpetuate.


    3. Hello Scott,
      Thinking about this, I have to agree with Jay. It is hard for me to reconcile the idea that people were transporting vast amounts of such a extremely heavy cargo across thousands of miles of the ever dangerous Atlantic ocean thousands of years before even the wheel had been invented.
      The technology just wasn't there to produce elaborate oceanic sailing ships capable of hauling such weight across vast waterways, especially prior to inventions such as the wheel.

      Freddy Sims

    4. Anonymous,

      The whole 1.5 billion pounds thing is pretty weak. The Native American population of circa 8000 BP was very low and scattered. Zero proof that they were able to crank out 200ish tonnes of copper per year for 8,000 years in a row. Even accounting for a lot of copper artifacts being melted down by European settlers, you just don't get the representation in the archaeological record that one might reasonable expect if that much copper was mined for that length of time.

      There were a number of very productive copper mines throughout a lot of the Old World, some of which I think are still producing after thousands of years. The notion that ancient Europeans would have to make very long, dangerous, and expensive voyages to obtain copper from the interior of North America is simply unproven. Wales was much closer. Might want to check out some writings on early copper mining there.

      You might want to look into some of David Pompeani's work on prehistoric copper mining in the Great Lakes area to get more of a professional perspective on the topic. His bibliographies are full of some good references too in terms of legitimate research.

    5. Doug,

      The "proof" is the copper is gone. Someone took it, or perhaps it was aliens? You make declarative statements with no support. The mines in Europe and the British Isles were no where near as pure and easy to collect than what was required to mine, smelt and transport the depleted copper in Europe. Let's just agree to disagree.

    6. Freddy,

      You have no idea what type of boat construction and sailing technology the Minoans and Phoenicians had. In fact, what we do know is they were capable of sailing across oceans and there is zero evidence they did not do it. The “wheel wasn’t invented yet” is another false argument. You have no idea when the wheel was invented and it has nothing to do with the point of this discussion.

      Sorry Freddy, we’ll just to agree to disagree.

    7. Jay,

      Your argument is indeed a fairly tale that does nothing to address the over 10,000 copper mines and pits that date back over 8,000 years. The estimate is the estimate and you are welcome to disagree. Picking and choosing information (you cite no sources so we cannot call them facts) isn't persuasive.

      Sorry Jay, but I stand by the estimate until verified contradictory facts materialize.

    8. Wales was just one of many sources of copper in present day Europe and the Mediterranean. A lot of copper was produced from mines in the Alps. The Egyptians got much of their copper from the Sinai Desert and in trade with Syria and Jordan where there were substantial copper mining operations. Cyprus was synonymous with copper in the ancient world. Present-day Turkey exported copper. The quality of said copper ranged from very low quality to high quality. Unless one has proof that all the copper from Wales to the Caucus Mountains and from the Alps to sub-Saharan Africa was of the exact same very low quality and difficulty in production. To the contrary, Cyprus, as one example, was noted for pure deposits of copper as well as high quality copper ore that was easy to process in the ancient world. Besides, even difficult to extract and process copper would have been a better alternative than trying to obtain it on a regular basis from sources that would be a 12000 (air) miles roundtrip and involving ocean travel technology of the time.

      Some further published sources on the topic for those interested in actual published research on the issue:

      Lucas and Harris's classic work Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries.

      Bronze Age Copper Sources in the Mediterranean: A New approach. Published in the journal Science in the 80s.

      Many many more sources that can be easily located via the google scholar search engine.

      A rather moot point since there is zero credible evidence that 1.5 billion pounds of copper was ever produced in the prehistoric Great Lakes region let alone shipped to the Old World. If anyone can produce the original credible published source that substantiates where/how/when the claim originated and how the numbers were crunched then I would be interested in seeing it.

  65. Key to Genetic Lines:
    Canaanite = Thor
    Hellas = Greece before Greccan times
    Scottish = Greek plus Egyptian
    Swedish = Scottish plus American Indian

  66. Scott,
    I was at a talk you did last year at the Rahway,NJ Masonic Lodge and heard you say that the 33 degrees of Scottish Freemasonry correspond to the 33 levels of the spine. In case you didn't know, the Developer of Chiropractic, BJ Palmer, was a 33rd degree Freemason with a beautiful lodge, steps from the college he founded in Davenport IA. I remember taking national boards there. There was also a Jacques De Molay club on the campus that I never understood. BJ was a very eccentric interesting fellow who moved the profession forward from his Father's founding of Chiropractic. Years after I graduated, I remember reading "The Hiram Key" and thinking immediately, that the Chiropractic philosophy I learned was eerily similar to what I read in that book. I'm sure there is an incredible story behind all of this.
    Looking forward to the new episodes!


    1. Hi Frank,

      Sorry for the late reply, I've been traveling. Glad to hear you're making your own connections to the esoteric aspects of the Craft and that they make sense. There is a lot more to explore and I'm sure you'll enjoy the coming new shows. So far, they are looking great!

    2. Doug,

      Thanks for your input. You still haven't addressed the where the estimated 1.5 billion pounds of mined copper went. You keep arguing it couldn't have ended up in Europe where experts say there wasn't enough copper to produce the quantity of bronze known to exist. You just seem to want to argue.

      Let's see if more hard data comes in down the road that pushes the ball one way or the other. Why not put some of your energy into trying to prove the case instead of solely arguing against it? It's called taking a balanced approach. Try it sometime.
