Sunday, November 9, 2014

Davey Crockett and Secrets from the Alamo

At the beginning of this episode I was skeptical of the premise Crockett could have survived the Alamo.  However, things got interesting quickly when the land deed and the newspaper articles began to open my eyes.  The chances are very good that he did survive choosing then to live out his days after the Alamo in a quiet, low-key lifestyle.  This begs many questions and speculation as to why?  If he did survive and went on to live a secret life, why would he sign his real name on the land deed?  Perhaps it was to ensure the property would legally stay in the family.  One thing that impacted me was the land deed was signed by the President, James Buchanan, another Mason, who likely knew Crockett was alive and made sure the land transaction was approved for a “Brother” who had served his country with honor and distinction even then, and deserved a peaceful and quiet retirement.  .

Like many American icons, when you dig deeper into their past to try and understand who they really were, you are often surprised.  I found it interesting to learn that his grandparents were killed by Indians whom he despised as a very young man.  Later, he became very ill at one point and was nursed back to health by Natives he lived with and came to understand.  This led to a better understanding and appreciation of Native culture.  When he eventually became a United States senator, he was an avid supporter of Native American rights which created a rift between he and President Andrew Jackson.  This contentious relationship may have played a role in Crockett’s desire to disappear when the opportunity came after the Alamo.

Our theory that both Crockett and Santa Anna used the Masonic sign of distress to save their lives takes on added significance when you consider that Crockett likely wasn’t the only person whose life was saved at the Alamo through Masonic connections.  Our guest at the Scottish Rite Temple in Minneapolis, Jack Roberts, who also happens to be a Texas native in addition to a Freemason, relayed a legendary story about how two of the three only known survivors walked away from the Alamo.  Those survivors were the wife, Susanna, and infant child, Angelina Elizabeth, of Captain Almaron Dickinson.  According to Jack, the legend within the Craft is before the final assault, Captain Dickinson reportedly gave his Masonic apron to his wife and told her to cover herself with it when the enemy captured them.  There are a couple of versions of this story you can read at these links, but the premise of soldiers and their family members surviving vicious battles throughout history due to Masonic affiliations is nothing new.

If Crockett did survive and live on, the question becomes why did we never hear about it?  There are all kinds of possibilities, but one idea that makes sense to me is the United States Government propaganda machine didn’t want news to leak out about any survivors. They likely feared the now famous slogan, “Remember the Alamo” might not been the powerful inspiration it came to be had a famous person like Crockett been known to survive.  That all the soldier’s died at the Alamo served to ‘fuel the fire’ of soldiers in subsequent battles that led to important victories.

Part of me that wants to believe this courageous American hero did survive, and at the age 50 after the bloody battle at the Alamo he decided he had had enough.  If anybody out there has any more clues that could shed additional light about Crockett, I’d love to hear about it.

Director Raul Cadena gets serious at the altar in the Scottish Rite Temple in Minneapolis.

Joy Bland's husband, Mike Hartzell, Will Yates, Brandon Boulay, Joy Bland and Scott.

Archaeologist Michael Arbuthnot gets his drone ready for a flight
at the suspected Davey Crockett property.

An interesting AVM keystone at the entrance to the Alamo.  
Which Mary was it supposed to honor?

An arrowhead found by Scott near the homestead of Davey Crockett.

Scott proudly diplays his jasper arrowhead.


  1. Hi Scott, timokey here. Whether Crockett survived, or not, is of no importance unless one is interested. Propaganda value is the only consideration. Many individuals seek the solace of privacy after that sort of experience and he may have wanted just that. In any event he is certainly dead now, except in Texas, where he spends time with Elvis sipping sour mash and mescal. Elvis favors the worm.

    1. Timokey,

      You're right on one hand and if he did survive he obviously wanted to keep a low profile which he was successful at. On the other hand, I think it's interesting and important that we get the story right about Crockett whatever it might be.

      I heard Davey liked sour raccoon mash...

  2. I can accept that as long as more pressing matters are looked at also. I am truly interested in the Rune Stone. It sort of grabbed my attention when I read how many tenured and sophisticated types are using the issue as target practice. What was it Mr. Shakespear (sic) said about protestation? Also, what are your thoughts on the IAC Peru finds. Over 16000 items would keep one person busy for a few hours. Cheers, tim

  3. Tim,

    The Kensington Rune Stone is more significant than people realize. It's acceptance as an authentic medieval artifact has triggered a series of dominoes to fall that branch off and go to many important places. Not the least of which is Jerusalem. Stay tuned as will reveal much more in coming episodes I think you'll find quite "pressing."

    I have heard of the Peru finds, but haven't spend time looking into them...yet!

  4. Scott, enjoyed the episode, but one quick correction here - Davy Crockett was never a senator - he was in the House.

  5. Scott, I absolutely love your show and your books. This is a little off topic but what is the significance of the AVN symbol?

    1. AVM is an old (and modern) Catholic reference to the biblical Mother Mary. However, in some esoteric circles it is a reference to the "other" Mary; Magdalene. To her followers, such as the 'leadership' of the medieval Cistercians and Knights Templar, she was, and is the personification of the Goddess and much more.

      Our reference to the AVM carved into the Mission entrance keystone at the Alamo was a foreshadow to an upcoming episode where we explore the AVM symbolism in depth. We didn't expect to see the AVM at the Alamo and we spontaneously included in the episode knowing we'd be addressing in a later show.

      That particular show coming up will be amazing I promise you!

  6. Entertaining show to start the new season. An overall good job and there are some people who do care about such things.

  7. Great show. Thinking a bit further, after the 2nd term of Andrew Jackson, land grants were usually signed by a presidential secretary. Also, it James Buchanan was also a Freemason. Perhaps, as he signed the grant himself, it really was Davy Crockett.

  8. I don't quite understand why people wouldn't care? Davey Crockett is an American icon; if he did survive and live on it should at least be documented. Maybe it would lead to other even more important truths?

    1. "Some" people wouldn't care. Many would. It's just the way people are Scott. Keep it up though. You are doing a really interesting thing in all of your work and it is important in a real historical sense. That's the clue: there are many today who don't care a bit about history. But a whole lot of us do. And we believe that the history we have been told isn't always the real truth.

  9. It would be interesting to see a copy of the full report from your handwriting analyst.

    1. The analysis of the Crockett signatures was my own with the input of researchers at the production company who consulted other handwriting experts. I've had a little experience in this field comparing the signatures of a number of important individuals involved in my Kensington Rune Stone research.

      Some people at the time we filmed the episode last January suggested Crockett may have tried to disguise his signature on the land deed documents. I'm not convinced he did that since only the first letter in his first and last names were any different.

    2. When I was 12 years old, I practiced singing basketballs as I was going to be a big star in the NBA. At 15, I'd abandoned sports and gotten into rock 'n' roll; as such, I practiced signing my electric guitar with a whiteboard marker. (Come on, don't any of you folks deny that you didn't perfect your signature for when you were famous in whatever field was your passion.) When I was 22, I found myself signing manuscripts because I was going to be a famous and brilliant author. Now, I sign only checks to myself from my lousy 9-5 self-employed job when I need quick cash.

      I don't need a handwriting expert to point out the differences in the evolution of my signature. Will I be signing my future Social Security checks the way I sign my personal checks now? Nope. Probably not even close. (Maybe I'll just start inking a big X, or perhaps in honor of Mr. Wolter's work, a Hooked X.)

      I spoke with a blogger (if private emailing can be called speaking) about the Crockett episode. Of course he dismissed the entire scenario as -- wait for it -- "more of Scott Wolter's paranoid delusions about Knights Templar and 'sacred geometry' and secret societies." It should be patently obvious that these "paranoid delusions" are in no way connected to the tale of one of America's most famous sons, Mr. Crockett. Dismissing the signature "because the D is so vastly different" is counterproductive; I (like so many other people) have been able to see the evolution of my very own signature, and while there may be 100,00 John Smiths in America, there can't be but a handful of David Crocketts. (And what are the odds of Joe Schmo -- sorry, David Crockett -- from some jerkwater burg in the South getting a Presidential signature on a land deed?)

      Mr. Wolter, this was a fascinating episode, and your lack of Hooked Xs and runestones (generally the objects of derision by your naysayers) lends even more credence to this theory of Crockett's survival; what exactly can your critics hold against you on this subject.

      This was meant to be a complimentary post for you, Mr. Wolter, and I hope I haven't left any doubt in your mind that that was the intention. Feel free to not publish this comment -- I'll cop to being drunk on a Friday night and being unable to formulate my words and sentences the way I intend. (I AM from Maine, and as anyone that's been here knows, there isn't much to do on the weekend but drink and think about the hidden history of our great country.)

      Hope this note finds you well.


    3. -Anonymous-,

      First, I knew you weren't going to go negative; I thought your post was funny and I'm glad you enjoyed the episode. I thought it was a pretty good episode too, even if the "Dig for Davey" was a bust.

      As far as the debunkers go, I don't take any of that crap seriously. If they really cared about the subject matter on our show, they'd be posting on this blog and asking intelligent questions. Instead, they write inflammatory nonsense to get people to go their sites to bring attention to themselves and make advertising money. The other reason they don't post here is they have no evidence to refute my 'paranoid delusions.' So let them rant in silence.

      I appreciate your post and the humor along with it. Next Friday night, pop a cold one for me too.

  10. What's up Scott!!!! Great first episode im 20 and love the show, so you do infact have some younger fans haha. Can't wait to see more, keep up the good work

  11. Hi Payton,

    Glad to hear younger people are into the show. Let's face it, your generation is the future and if we're ever going to see meaningful change we need you guys to get on board and be part of the movement to get to the truth.

    Thanks for posting and get ready for some more good shows; and tell your friends!

  12. Mr. Wolter:

    Period land grant documents such as the one issued to "David Crockett" were almost never signed by the actual POTUS. The president's name was instead signed by a clerk or secretary. My family has such a document "signed" by President Martin Van Buren - but it took very little research to determine that the signature in question was not his. Therefore, it's as unlikely that James Buchanan signed the "David Crockett" Alabama land grant document.

    Christopher Varney

  13. Christopher,

    You are probably right about President's signatures on legal documents in most cases at that time. However, even a quick Google images search will show the signature examples on-line and the signature on the land grant match. One of the diagnostic features of Buchanan's signature is the looped "X" he makes after the last "n" in his last name.

    He was a Freemason.

    1. Just to clarify your statement above...
      Buchan was a Freemason which is why he ended his signature with a "hooked X"
      Buchanan ended his signature with a "hooked X" therefore he must be a Freemason.

    2. To clarify the facts; Buchanan was a Freemason. Why he wrote his signature with a "looped X" (not a "Hooked X"), is unclear. Whether the "X" at the end of his name had anything to do with Freemasonry is unknown, at least to me. However, it certainly is possible that it is related to his being a member of the Craft.

  14. Clark Crockett also received a land patent on 12/1/1859 for an adjoining parcel in Winston County (called Hancock County until 1858), Alabama. Clark had a brother named David. The Census lists their birthplace as Georgia. Wouldn't it be a far more likely situation that two brothers went to buy land on the same day so that their farms would be adjoining?

  15. Louise,

    Not necessarily; not all male siblings have the same brotherly love and since President Buchanan personally signed the land grant, it suggests a different connection.

    On the other hand, your scenario is certainly possible.

    1. Hello Again
      First, let me thank you for addressing my comment, it was most gracious of you.
      Indeed, not all brothers are so close, but some are.
      In May 1859, John A. B. Leonard was appointed Secretary to sign land patents. He signed the President's name, then his own (after "By" and before "Secretary"),
      The "J" in "James" is identical to the "J" in "John. The "B" in "Buchanan" is also identical to the initial "B" in the secretary's name.
      Now compare the "J" to known examples of James Buchanan's signature. The difference is readily apparent.

    2. Louise,

      In the examples of James Buchanan's signature I looked at on-line, his signature is virtually identical to the original land deed document I saw that was featured on the show.

      I'm not sure what else to say?

    3. Scott

      If the example of Buchanan's signature that you saw online matched that which was on the land patent, then you reached a defendable conclusion.

      We have a difference of opinion and acceptance of that fact should be our goal. In the end, truth will prevail.

      Let me say that I admire your questioning spirit. If we were all to go along blindly accepting that which is commonly held to be true, no advancement in knowledge would ever take place.

      It gives me great pleasure indeed to see the stubbornness of an incorrigible nonconformist warmly acclaimed.
      Albert Einstein

    4. Upon examination of President Buchanan's signature on the original land patent, I find it nearly identical to the examples online.
      My apologies to Mr. Wolter

    5. Louise,

      While I agree the signature on the original land deed I saw in Alabama does match the on-line examples of President Buchanan's signature, it doesn't prove the signature on the land deed is the famous Davey Crockett's. It simply means we've presented a compelling, yet inconclusive case.

      More importantly is you have accepted factual evidence that went contrary to your original argument which is indeed refreshing. Too many people would have argued regardless what the evidence showed rendering the discussion unproductive.

      No apology is necessary; you were simply behaving in an honest and professional manner. Thank you!

  16. Scott,

    Great show to open the season. My children love the show and can't wait for the next episode!

    How do you address the Crockett descendant's position that there is no way Davey Crockett's personality (or "ego", to be more direct) would have allowed him to essentially fake his death while he was still in the prime of his life? What do you see as being the prime incentive for him to go into hiding, so to speak, while being known as the only male survivor of the battle (on the Texan side) would only have added to his fame at the time? Thank you!

  17. Hi Scott,
    Just wanted to let you know I enjoy America Unearthed! I have read your books and am very interested in your theories. Please ignore the people who bash your ideas. There are a lot of everyday people like me who look forward to your show-it keeps the mind stimulated and sparks interest in topics we never thought to explore before.

    1. Thank you!

      I only pay attention to valid criticism and so far, that has been in relatively short supply. I'm more than happy to answer questions that can only lead to a better understanding. Most of the criticism I receive are from people trying to draw attention to themselves who are not seriously interested in the truth. Other's lash out due to fear while the criticism of other's is simply an awkward request for more information.

  18. Orlandoaero,

    Well, let me start by saying it's not a surprise that the descendant's are very proud of the legacy of their ancestor and very protective of it which is understandable. The other thing is that it's hard to get into the mind's of these historic people who lived in a different time and place than we do. However, he was 50 years old at the time of the Alamo and had been through a lot of tough times; he was a famous person by this time for sure, but I don't know if it was the prime of his life. He may have been mentally and physically spent and when presented with the opportunity for an anonymous fresh start; he may have decided at a moment of crisis, to take it.

    It's fun to speculate, but the truth of the matter is we will never know for sure what his motivation might have been if he did indeed survive the massacre.

    Glad your family is enjoying the show!

    1. Scott,

      Thank you for the reasoned response. Look forward to the next show!

    2. Debbie Martin debandjc77@aol.comJune 13, 2015 at 11:37 PM

      Scott,George Russell, son of Major William Russell, was one of his best friends. David Davy Crockett wrote about some of their escapes in his auto biography. He was a close friend to this Russell family. Do some research on Major William Russell's family. They moved around living in Franklin County, AL adjacent to Winston County, AL where this contention of David Crockett purchased land and died. Close proximity to where his buddy George Russell lived and died. There is a story that George's father, Major William Russell gave Davy a rifle with an ivory handle to Davy and that rifle is supposedly is on display at the Alamo as being Davy's gun. His connection to this family could be the reason that he would have retired quietly in Alabama in close proximity to the Russell's. Side note: Major William's father, William Russell, Sr. was a close friend of Daniel Boone's. And was killed by Indians while hunting with Daniel Boone. William Russell, Sr. sister was Lydia Russell Bean. Her son, Russell Bean has a marker near Johnson City, TN stating that Lydia's son, Russell, was the first white child born in Tennessee. I have researched the Russell family because I suspect my great grandmother
      is a descendent of this Russell family. Her grandparents were listed as settlers in the Boone's fort census. They were connected to both Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett.

    3. There is a man you can look up on YouTube as papaw Dawson interview which I found interesting since he was my great great grandfather his mother was Sally Crockett it's really hard to find anything about the family as the line ends in 1858 with her father James f Crockett which is buried in spruce pine Alabama on top of the mountain this is very compelling evidence since my great great grandfather says his mother said he was a decent of the mythical man that is Davy Crockett I naturally couldn't help myself!

  19. Loved the show!!! Heard you on Coast to Coast. Praying for season 4. Can't wait to watch season 3. Good luck and stay safe!! God bless!!

  20. Charles,

    Glad you enjoyed the interview; Jimmy Church was really fun to talk with and I appreciate being on his show. Hopefully, we can do it again soon.

    Thanks for all the kind words.

    1. Thanks so much for the reply. I cant wait for tomorrows show. I was wondering if you have ever researched Noah's Ark. I read recently that it was discovered a long time ago and people have tested multiple things from the site. I wanted to know if you ever have because wouldnt the wood have petrified by now. If anyone could figure it out it would be you. Thanks again for getting back to me. See you tomorrow on H2 :)

  21. Davey Crockett is supposable entombed, along with Jim Bowie, and William Travis, at the entrance to San Fernando Catholic Church in San Antonio. Since the Alamo is a few hundred yards right outside the front door of this church, I would bet this is where the remains of Davey Crockett are buried. Bill, Austin, Tx

    1. Bill,

      Supposedly, is the right word. If the dead were burned on a funeral pyre as reports I've read say, then how could they know whose ashes were whom?

      He might be there, he might not be. Nothing about his whereabouts after the battle at the Alamo has been definitively proven... yet!

  22. Real research will show that this entire discus soon I'd nonsense. Even the prior comment shows the complete lack of information people have despite their attempt to talk intelligently. Right down to the misplacing of his name, this is so wrong.

  23. So what grand wisdom do you have that the rest of us have missed? "...discuss soon I'd nonsense?" Or did you mean "...discussion soon is nonsense." You should probably use spellcheck before you post criticism of other's spelling errors.

  24. Not so sorry to say, I think Louise has you on the adjacent Clark Crockett land purchase on the same day. Crockett buying adjacent land on same day more likely to be related than not be. I think additional real research will prove this out.
    I spent most of the show thinking it was probably a different David Crockett. Do you know there were over 2000 David Crocketts in the US in 1860 census alone. It was not a very unique name. Jumping to any conclusion that Winston Co., AL David Crockett was "the David Crockett", is silly. And apparently you're not familiar with how many land grants have a Presidential signature (either attributed or actual) on it. Literally thousands of those.
    Meanwhile, I think use of a back hoe to unearth a potential grave or other archaeological dig is both irresponsible and reckless. Some of the conclusions you appear to jumped to appear to also be reckless.

    1. Nothing is reckless when your searching for the truth. Let no stone go untouched. If it means excavating a site for evidence and makes logical sense why not dig as long as it's legal and by the book and with respect for any remains that may appear. That's how science is made. As far as the land purchase is concerned why would a perfect stranger with the same name go buy a piece of land for another crockett? Not much sense no matter how many Crockett's were around the nation in 1860... Surely not all Crockett's would be hanging out in that area for sure because of all the ruckus and all. Too many question not enough real answers .....

  25. Just curious. Will you be doing an episode in the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa?

    1. There are no plans at the moment to look for Mr. Hoffa, but that would be an interesting investigation.

  26. Paul,

    Louise could very well be right, and you could also very well be right. You could also very well be wrong. You might want to go back and watch the episode again, with an open mind this time. Given all the facts, it's a distinct possibility THAT David Crockett did survive the Alamo and live out his days in Winston County, Alabama. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this.

    As far as the "Did for Davey" goes, we were trying to locate a promising site by using efficient exploratory means. Believe it or not, this often includes using a backhoe. If we had found promising evidence, we would have switched over to more conventional, and careful archaeological methods. Reckless? Since Mike and Chris are professional archaeologists with many years of experience who were directing the dig, once again I will respectfully agree to disagree with you.

  27. Hi Scott, love your show! This episode was very interesting, it seems quite possible he could have survived the Alamo. We look forward to next weeks show.

  28. I do believe it's quite possible for Davey Crockett to have signed that land deed you mentioned. Even though the Letters in his signature may not be exact match from his previous signatures it's very possible he could have signed his name. When you and I or anyone else signs our name our signatures are not exact in any means or forms. As we age or are stressed ect we tend to write in a erratic uncontrolled manner. You can write your signature on a piece of paper,then go out for a routine jog in the neighborhood and then immediately stop and write your signature once more you will see some change in the writing but it's still the same person writing . I personally believe it's quite possible thru various connections made available back in Davey's day that he could have secretely vanish from the alamo scene and have led a secure private life with assistance from a few higher members . If anything looks impossible to do,it's been done before and that is saying alot. Like everything nothing is what it seems to be,it's what others want us to believe..... When people say mean things to you about your theorys don't feel let down. Just remember it all means your closer to the truth then what others want you to be. Happy hunting my friend ....

  29. To Paul Wright
    If you search the 1860 Federal Census for the following:
    Name: "David" Crockett
    Sex: Male
    Age: 16+
    The result is ~115, not 2000.

  30. As an amateur genealogist, I was intrigued by the idea that Davy Crockett may have survived the Alamo. I did some investigating based on the information provided in this episode. A cursory search of the 1860 federal census for the surname Crockett in Winston County, AL revealed 0 individuals. This was only 2 years after a land grant was issued in his name for this county. If he was not killed at the Alamo, where was he was living between 1836 and 1858? I am in no way trying to debunk your theory. I would simply suggest that a professional genealogist may be able to provide more information regarding this matter.

    1. Donna,

      The answer to your question as to where he was for those 22 years might be as simple as he was living under a different name? I suspect the reason he used his real name on the grant was to make it legal and allow the transfer of the land after his death. That would be another reason why Davey Crockett Cagle isn't the person who signed the land grant.

      I appreciate your comments and suggestions.

  31. The specific truth as to the end of David Crockett's life has been since the Alamo, varied, as one might expect from the conditions at hand. As this show points out, the broad brush of history taught in schools is just that..broad. When attempting to drill into the finer points, we are often left wanting for the "defensible basis" details, what we find out is that those are very hard to come by. To this end, in 1840, news articles surfaced, related by a William C. White, that Mr. White had met with Crockett in the mines of Mexico, where he was enslaved, and managed to carry a letter back to his son, the 1st report dated Feb. 6, 1840. I have read De La Pena's entire account of the Texas revolution, he appears to be justifiably accurate, but still many in the State of Texas and elsewhere challenge the authenticity.

    I have these Crockett articles and more analysis Scott if you are interested.

    1. Are these articles something you'd care to post here for everyone to see? If so, just send them to my email and I'll post them.

      Sounds very interesting?

  32. Scott:
    Most certainly they are for everyone. I'll look over your site and see if I can locate an e-mail address.

  33. Scott, I really like your shows. Were you by any chance in Illinois back in late summer of 2014?

  34. Thanks,

    I was in Chicago in the late Summer?

  35. Scott, why are some people in academics not willing to accept the fact that they are wrong? Even though they know the evidence is authentic?

  36. There are a lot of reasons. Most have their origin in what I call, "Problems of the human condition." In their minds, they're not wrong even when the factual evidence is stacked firmly against them. The best examples of this are the arguments they try to make against the Kensington Rune Stone, the Bat Creek Stone and the Tucson Lead Artifacts; all are obvious genuine artifacts.

    An even bigger part of the problem is once they accept any of these for what they are, it triggers a series of dominos to fall. Those domino trails branch off quickly and go to places they don't want to go and completely upset the historical paradigm in ways that are hard for some people to grasp. In spite of their hardened resistance; sooner or later the truth will come out.

  37. Scott,

    Another interesting story is about Jim Bowie's "Bowie Knife". Who really made it, how big it really was and what happened to it. I think there are two or three claiming to be the real one taken as by a Mexican soldier.

    Greg Henson
    Spring Texas
    Northwest Lodge 1432

  38. Greg,

    Good idea! I'll keep that in mind.


  39. I think my initial post did not go through Scott so I'll recreate it for everyone. I'll throw some names out here for you in regards first to Texas and then to westward expansion of the U.S. Most people realize that key founding fathers were masons, but let's look at Texas:

    Santa Annna
    Every president of the Republic of Texas
    Anson Jones
    Lorenzo de Zavala
    Juan Seguin
    Jose Navarro


    Sam Houston was mentored by Jackson, and Jackson wanted Texas. Austin's dad secured the land grant after Mexico broke from Spain. Houston left the U.S. for Texas and quickly became a leader as he had been in the U.S. Tensions mounted over political and ideological ideas and the revolution sparked.

    Every key player was a Mason
    Masonry was so important to these guys that they were petitioning Mexico and Louisiana for a charter for lodges in Texas during a war. Anson Jones had the charter for holland lodge #1 in his saddle bag at the battle of San Jacinto. He had taken a leave, during a war, to pick it up from the grand lodge of Louisiana and then grand master JP Holand.

    Masons take upon themselves obligations, things you promise to do and things you promise not to do. It's very serious and binding, so like any contract there are conditions or stipulations in place to relieve you of the obligation given the proper circumstance.

    That being said Santa Anna knew there were masons in the Alamo. He knew there were famous masons in the Alamo. Due to the circumstance he was free and clear to order everyone's death masonically. He considered their actions treasonous.

    Sam Houston under the treaty oak spared Santa Anna. Was it because of the obligation, or because he obtained a country without further fight?

    Every president of the republic was a Mason. They had just fought a war, so Texas could not just be handed over to the U.S. so soon. Remember the guy with the saddle bag at the battle, yeah that guy Jones. Nine years latter he was president of the republic and signed Texas over to James K. Polk. Oh wait he was a Mason also.

    This upset the Mexicans kind of like the British after the American Revolution. Then we have the Mexican American war. That guy Polk was still president and his fighting men T. Rosevelt and Z. Taylor wait for it! Yes sir also masons! That got the U.S. from sea to shining sea.

    It is a neat story that Crockett could have been spared because of his fraternal bond. I don't think it lessens the man or the legacy of anyone. It's like believing someone as bold and daring as Billy the Kid was spared. Could they have had enough and relaxed in the rocking chair to be an old man in his dotage. One thing is for sure men back then didn't run off at the mouth so much, so out of respect for being spared it's a small price to pay....humm

    Maybe history is written the way it is so eye brows are not raised, but wether Columbus or Vikings or Polynesians were first to wherever, to me doesn't really change things, because they were all second to the Native Americans. There is a reason for the ledgends, oral traditions and wall paintings. It blows my mind that people just can't see that humans of all time periods were intelligent it didn't take The Age of Enlightenment to spark things. Smart people understood, but things like calculus explained what they understood.

    I really like your show, and I hope that as it continues you will be able to interject updates about the topics and points you raised in previous shows. You no doubt inspire many to carry the torch you light with each episode. I see you as a fire starter you light it up and make a good stab at it, but if the trail goes too cold. You have looked under enough rock to ensure someone else will be inspired by you and dive in freeing you to continue to find new mysteries. If we could just get to the bottom of that money pit!

    Thank you,

    Greg Henson
    Spring, Texas

  40. Greg,

    Interesting post and your points about Freemasonry and the interconnecting threads should lead everyone to think there is a lot more to all these stories than we will ever know.

    Good stuff.

  41. Scott,

    Just saw this episode for the first time. Anyway you could post a side by side of the signatures from the Land Deed and the document from the decendent of David Crockett? Was pretty close in my opinion. I would like to look at them again.

  42. Hi Scott,

    Why was the signature from the Land Deed and the decedent of David Crockett not compared? They were extremely close, took pictures of the TV screen to compare.


  43. Dan,

    I thought we did compare the signatures in the episode and they were close? haven't watched it since it aired.

  44. One suggestion for his walking away from his life of being famous? When you can while wildcats kill a bear etc as a child and are larger than life famous for being a man almost supernatural etc.

    Then you find yourself for the first time in your life on your knees begging and groveling like a coward. Well if it worked he was going to be so filled with shame etc he would've rather have been thought dead. Most men would prefer to die a hero than live as a coward.

    I'm also from Alabama and maybe 25 miles from the property in this episode.

    1. Anonymous,

      Hard to know what motivates people to do things sometimes. If he did survive and chose to abandon his family I'm sure he had a compelling reason. Regardless, I personally don't condone that behavior, but I obviously could never walk in his shoes.

      We'll probably never have an answer for that one.

  45. Rumored Dav Crockett Drunk-gambler-Womanizer.
    Dav Crockett supposedly opposed andrew Jackson
    1830 Indian Removal Act then why did Davy join mission
    to seek revenge for creek Indians attack on Ft Mims Alabama.
    Militia massacred the Indian town Tallushatchee Alabama.
    Now we have proof that Davy Crockett did know alabama area.
    Davy Crockett -2nd wife Eliz -his neighbors travel thru Alabama
    and Davy contacted Malaria they left along the road the rest
    went on but when Davy got well he rejoin his wife and children.
    Davy Crockett had a habit leave his wife and children even
    though his family needed him he would get restless & leave.
    So is it far fetched that Davy Crockett could of sneak out alamo?
    So is it far fetched that Davy lied about real name to Mexicans?
    Wouldn't a normal person want to avoid the executive squad?
    Mexican Troop of Santa Ana were locust swarm the Alamo?
    Lots of american Texas volunteer troop died as well as ,
    William B Travis , James Bowie and Davy Crockett ?
    Did anyone at the Alamo survive? Santa Anna's Mexican army killed virtually all of the roughly 200 Texans and so who did survive the
    alamo ,Sus Dickinson ,Philip Dimmitt, Lucio Enriquez, Ana
    Salazar Esparza .A few of the survivors later gave chilling eyewitness accounts of the battle. Enrique Esparza, son of Alamo defender Gregorio Esparza, told of how Mexican troops fired a hale of bullets into the room where he was hiding alongside his mother and three siblings. Juana Navarro Alsbury, the adopted sister of Bowie’s wife and the niece of Texian leader José Antonio Navarro, survived the battle with her young son and her sister, Gertrudis. (Her husband, Dr. Horace Alsbury, had left the fort in late February, likely in search of a safe place for his family.) Another survivor was a former Mexican soldier named Brigido Guerrero, who fought with the defenders but apparently escaped death by convincing the Mexicans he had been taken captive. A woman named Andrea Castañón Villanueva, better known as Madam Candelaria, later made a career of claiming to be a survivor of the Alamo, but many historians doubt her story.
    Perhaps the most well known Alamo survivor was Susanna Dickinson, wife of defender Almaron Dickinson, who spent the battle hiding in a small dark room with her infant daughter, Angelina. After the battle, Santa Anna sent Susanna and Angelina to Sam Houston’s camp in Gonzales, accompanied by one of his servants and carrying a letter of warning intended for Houston. Along the way they crossed paths with another survivor, a man named Joe, who had been William Travis’ slave. While fighting alongside Travis and the other defenders, Joe was shot and bayoneted but lived, becoming the only adult male on the Texan side to survive the Alamo. He was one of several slaves spared by the Mexicans, who opposed slavery, after the battle. Texas authorities later returned Joe to the Travis estate, but he escaped to freedom barely a year later.

  46. 1.If true, why did Elizabeth Crockett, David's widow,receive the Headright of Land from the Republic of Texas ?

    2. Also, Mrs. Dickenson was not the only survivor of the Alamo. All the women and non-combatant children were spared. The apron had nothing to do with her survival.

    3. And, Joe and the Alcalde of San Antonio pointed out the bodies Travis, Bowie and Crockett. So, were they in on this plot ?

    4. Finally, Mrs. Dickinson stated to Houston and others that she saw Crockett's body amidst his fellow Tennesseans and many dead Mexican soldatos, that his cheeks were still pink ,and his peculiar cap was at his side. Kind of convincing, eh?

    3. James Bowie was a Free Mason as well. What became of him ?

  47. Hello I have always been told my family married into Davy Crockett family after the battle of the Alamo by a child that David had that we don't know about on records so if you would like to talk I'd be more than willing to give you a call my roots run deep here in the Appalachian mountains and I'm sure you love to hear the way I think about the situation!

    1. Sorry for the late reply, I've been traveling with limited internet and little time. Feel free to share your story here or contact me via email:

  48. Love this episode....HUGE fan of the Alamo & have visited it twice, once when I was 13 & again when I got stationed at Ft. Hood when I was 20...both times were special because of ALL the GREAT American heroes who sacrificed their lives there....I'm not saying it couldn't have happened, but there were other Masons at the Alamo...Bowie, Travis, & Crockett....unless Santa Anna was there personally I'm not sure regular Mexican soldiers would've cared...& wouldn't Crockett get land in Texas for fighting there...

    1. It was a fun episode to make. You realize Santa Anna was a Freemason and saved his own life shortly after the Alamo with the Masonic sign of distress?

  49. This is kind of an unusual comment I know!! I’m a comic book collector and about 5-6 years ago I became aware of a silver age comic known as forbidden words # 39 you will know it right from the cover. It’s show Crockett in the side car of a motorcycle with his rifle held above his head. The story is called tge Davy Crockett mystery. Basically Davy Crockett survives the Alamo because drinks water that he saves from the lost fountain of youth that prolongs his life for centuries fighting and eventually dying in ww2. Most people tell me the book dosent exist. It fact I will pay 5k for a copy I talked the greatest comic book peoples, austionsthey say good luck ! Better chance at finding a 9.8 action comics#1 than ever finding forbidden worlds #1
