Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Proof Positive the Kensington Rune Stone is Medieval

While researching deeper into the Ritual Code within the Kensington Rune Stone inscription I discovered in early 2016, it led to another incredible discovery that by itself proves the medieval origin of the artifact.  Briefly, I discovered the first four symbolic numbers of 8, 22, 2 and 1, as they occur in sequence add up to 32, then 33, which equals the system of degrees within Scottish Rite Freemasonry.  These numbers are directly related to the Hebrew mysticism of the Kabbalah that traces the same numbering system to the number of bones and nerves in the spinal cord (32) with the skull, and brain within it, totaling 33.

The remaining numbers of 1, 10, 10, 14, relate to the Ten Commandments, the Enochian Legends, and the Isis/Osiris mysteries and the allegorical stories of the annual cycle of life on earth that every culture on the planet experiences.  In short, the Kensington inscription is largely allegorical with certain factual information peppered in for the initiated few to decipher.  The inscription was carved by a deeply initiated medieval monk who understood these alchemical teachings creating a brilliant message that included codes (Dating and Grail Codes) and important symbolism I have already published in my books.

What the initiated Cistercian monk also understood was the ancient and very sacred measuring system used by cultures dating back over 10,000 years that was calculated using the planet Venus: the Megalithic Yard.  British researcher, Alan Butler, wrote about his rediscovery of the megalithic yard in his groundbreaking book, City of the Goddess: Washington D.C.  Alan discovered that not only did ancient cultures build the world famous megalithic structures like Stonehenge in England, Newgrange in Ireland, the Great Pyramids at Giza in Egypt and other sites around the world, but the Founding Fathers of the United States built our capitol city in Washington D.C. using the same megalithic system.  

I have argued for nearly two decades that Freemasonry evolved from the medieval Knights Templar and most people know many of our Founding Fathers were Freemasons.  I maintain knowledge of the megalithic yard system of measurement was passed on to people like Thomas Jefferson, through Freemasonry, along with many other secrets directly from the Templars.  From there I used logic to try and determine if there was any other evidence on the Kensington Stone that might shed new light on who created it.  Sure enough, yet another connection to the Templars, and the initiated Cistercian monks who traveled with them, was there.

The megalithic yard is 2.72 feet in length.  If we multiple that length by 12 inches we get a total of 32.64 inches.  I asked Janet to take a length of string she had cut to that length and measure the length of the cast we own of the Kensington Stone, and it was about an inch short.  However, when she measured it diagonally across the face of the stone it was exactly one megalithic yard in length.  Keep in mind the carver was working with an irregular shaped slab of a glacial erratic, yet was still able to skillfully split the slab down to nearly the exact sacred dimensions he wanted.  As I have argued before, the primary purpose of the Kensington Rune Stone was to be a Templar land claim to establish a sanctuary where they could practice freedom of religion and freedom from the tyranny and oppression of the monarchs of Europe.  The Rune Stone was beginning of the founding of the United States and to ensure its protection the carver appears to have acknowledged Deity by using the sacred measuring system derived from the planet Venus; who to him and his Cistercian/Templar brethren was the physical manifestation of the Goddess in the heavens.  

Stonehenge in England is arguably the most famous megalithic structure in the world built using the megalithic yard over 5,000 years ago.

Newgrange in Ireland also dates back over 5,000 years and incorporates the megalithic measuring system.

The Great Pyramids of Egypt are believed to date back over 10,000 years and incorporate the megalithic yard.

The temple pyramid at Chichen Itza in Mexico had the megalithic yard used in its construction over 1,000 years ago.

When measured down the split side of the Kensington Rune Stone it measures just over an inch longer than a megalithic yard of 2.72 feet.

However, when measured diagonally across the face of the artifact that distance is exactly one megalithic yard, or 32.64 inches in length.  

The Thomson Formation of metagraywacke weathers into flat tabular slabs as can be seen along the banks of the St. Louis River, in Jay Cook State Park, a few miles south of Duluth, Minnesota.  The Kensington Rune Stone was carved into a large tabular slab of metagrawacke plucked by continental ice and carried to somewhere near the Ohman Farm roughly 10,000 years ago.

This diagram shows the Newport Tower conforms to the Megalithic Yard measuring system in its construction.  Since the Tower and the Kensington Rune Stone are connected through long-range alignments of the egg and notched keystones, it should be no surprise both artifacts were constructed by the medieval Cistercians and Knights Templar using the same ancient, and sacred, measuring system.  

This measuring stick with runic carvings was found in Norway and has a curious mixture of runic symbols including a reasonably close rendition of the Hooked X (Top left in upper photo).  The stick, and presumably the runic carvings, are believed to date to 1888 or before. 

On the back side of the stick is the runic alphabet that fairly closely matches the KRS alphabet.  Below is a Masonic box code that matches the runes and letters above.