Jim Morgan (right) and Sergio Rapu watch Scott and "Trusty" prepare for a scene in Grand Central Station.
Scott and Dorothy McCarthy stand in front of St. Paul's Chapel in Manhattan, New York.
Jim Morgan, Colin Threinen, Scott and Raul Cadena strike intimidating poses; ohh..., I'll bet your scared!
The models on Manhattan during shooting in the lab.
There are actually twin obelisks at the east entrance of St. Paul's Chapel. The squat pyramid at the top of the monument on the northeast side can only be seen from a distance that proves it's a second obelisk completing the symbolic entrance to ancient temples like the one in Heliopolis, Egypt.
While it looks like it was me that made this startling discovery of the "Orion Alignment in Manhattan", all credit goes to Janet Wolter for this one. In fact, it literally unfolded as we were filming the episode as we originally thought the alignment of the three obelisk location's formed a straight line. Janet wasn't so sure about the slight bend in the line, and thought there had to be more. She worked with our good friend Alan Butler who helped her understand what turned out to be astronomical clues. It was the strange depiction of the constellations on the ceiling of Grand Central Station where it started to make sense there was more going on. While I was in the field shooting the early scenes at the Central Park obelisk from Egypt, she was working away trying to figure out why the constellation artwork and lighting of the stars seemed to be off. She found that many people questioned the accuracy of depiction, but Vanderbilt family insisted everything was perfectly correct. Clearly, they knew exactly what they were doing and obviously were in on the plan to create the alignment. This would suggest he must have been a Freemason, but it's not clear if he and other members of the family were or not. Regardless, they clearly embraced certain esoteric knowledge that was the impetus for the secret configuration of the ceiling so many people walk right by every day and never notice. I'm sure a lot more will notice the constellations now.
Hmmm....Janet Wolter, host of America Unearthed. It has a nice ring to it. So when is Janet coming out with her book? :-)
ReplyDeleteWhat a fantastic episode. Why have so many of us never heard of this obelisk in NYC??? I asked 3 friends who lived in NYC and they didn't know it existed. Wow.
Like many posters, I have a suggestion. You should consider doing an episode that focuses on each state. It would be quite fitting and it certainly would gives us viewers another 3-4 seasons.
BTW, I received two of your books I ordered from your website. I didn't realize I would get a signed copy. Score! So glad I didn't buy from amazon. I've got nothing to gain by plugging your sight so....if anyone wants signed copies, go to www.hookedx.com.
ReplyDeleteNow Janet's head is swelling! Her new book should be out next summer, but I will let people know when I find out.
We are trying to at least film in all 50 states and we're pretty close to getting them all; not yet though.
Glad you got the books and yes, I sign all books bought off my site. Enjoy!
The depiction of Orion of the ceiling of Grand Central Station is the one created by Johann Bayer in his Uranometria first published in 1603. Most classical star charts have Orion facing right, Bayer drew him facing left. Osiris is also generally depicted facing left.
ReplyDeleteIt's on the equinox that the alignment will mirror the belt of Orion and the open door to the heavens.
DeleteI've been following Orion every night that the sky is clear. It's beautiful.
Hello Scott,
ReplyDeleteYour wife Janet is AWESOME!!! Mine calls me a "Nerd" and constantly tells me, "Nobody cares about this stuff". She put a damper on my last experiment. I was looking to film proof of the obelisk at the university in my hometown, casting a shadow into the horseshoe shaped football stadium on the Winter Solstice. It should cast a shadow on an egg shaped campus lake. Between the clouds, freezing cold, sun tracker app not synching, and my wife's complaining...I didn't get much accomplished. Once the weather warms, and I can get back, I'll have solid proof.
There was a website I'd saved to my Favorites several years ago, which dealt with these three obelisks representing Orion's Belt. I'd tried going back to the site a couple of years ago, because of something this website had said about another topic of my interest. The site had apparently changed ownership, and was completely different. The site never made the next step of logic regarding the Lady in the harbor being Sirius. I thought it was obvious, due to all of the "useless knowledge" I've acquired. The patterns are easy for me to identify, the math...not so much. By chance, Were these obelisks laid out using the Megalithic Yard. I've actually wanted to run this by Alan Butler for quite some time. He hasn't returned an email since my original account was somehow deleted by religious fanatics.
Best regards,
ReplyDeleteJanet and I checked on-line for any prior knowledge of this alignment and found nothing. Obviously, a certain group of Freemasons knew about the Orion alignment in Manhattan which mans it's been known for a long time by a very select group that knew how to keep a secret!
BTW: Janet is awesome!
DeleteThis is Anthony. I meant no disrespect. The owner of the website had only part of the idea. Had tried going back to it a few years ago, and came up as "invalid url". I deleted it. Tried going to the site where I believed, I'd originally found first site. The site was called "vessel of god" and had gone from Jesus, and Mary theories, flood stories, and worship of the biblical Adam's skull to a site to help young, unwed, expecting Christian mothers. I deleted it from my favorites too.
Alan had mentioned researching the "Grange" with your wife Janet. Is there a book?
DeleteNo offense taken; Janet and Alan Butler have a new book coming out that includes the Orion's Belt Obelisk discovery and a bunch of other really good new stuff.
Great episode! When it was first mentioned the line was not straight between the obelisks I had a thought that perhaps it was imitating the great pyramids... I was wracking my brain to try and remember something I had read about the pyramids placement, but I was brain dead that evening and didn't make the connection in my memory to Orian's belt until after you pointed it out on the show.
ReplyDeleteMy wife can usually can care less about history, but the last few episodes she has actually sat down to watch with me and has found it interesting. Keeping my fingers crossed she will catch on.
Now I am just waiting for Tuesday night to see what the 'significant discovery' is that is supposed to be revealed regarding Oak Island. After that, looking forward to your bigfoot episode. I spend a lot of time in northern Wisconsin, Minnesota, and parts of Ontario in the wilderness hiking, hunting, fishing and camping... had something happen once that I tend to keep to myself. SO I am really looking forward to your show this weekend.
TD Bauer
I'm with TD Bauer. If the footprint is even close to the pyramid layout, then all bets are off. The alignment was not even discovered until Robert Bauval did his work. And these guys mimicked the pyramids.
ReplyDeleteI would be very interested in getting more information on the one that went to the UK. I bet there is another story just as important as this one.
Lets think about this a minute.........
Bauval brought the Orion's Belt alignment to the public's conscience, but obviously it was known to certain Masonic initiates long before that. I suspect there is a highly exclusive secret society that has had this knowledge dating back to the time the Giza Pyramids were built.
ReplyDeleteThis is not the only Orion's Belt alignment in this country and indeed they are found all over the world dating back at least 5,000 years. This is nothing new.
It may not be new but it certainly is fascinating. It is a testament to the Masons ability to keep secrets that they could do such things over a large period of time (the placing of the obelisks) and have them appear as nothing more than what they appear to be to non-masons.
DeleteHave to wonder how far back certain knowledge like this goes... and who has kept it... natured it... secreted it...
I love it as it makes me have to think outside the box, so to speak.
ReplyDeleteI love the show first of all but this episode seemed to be a stretch. Your theory on the New York obelisks matching to Orion would be spectacular if you could offer up mathematical alignments but as it is they don't line up at all, sure you could give some room for error but even then it's a bit exaggerated. I've lined Manhattan up with the constellation and there's no question that they were not intended to match. Three dots with one slightly off the center line and farther away from the previous two does not mean it matches up just because it appears similar. Orion (as an amateur astronomer) does not appear in any relevant position in the sky to those three obelisks.
ReplyDeleteThe alignment of the obelisks is strictly symbolic; not mathematical. Because it was completed over several decades and considering the rapid rate of construction in Manhattan during this time, it's amazing the Orion alignment is close at all.
Since the Freemason's had a hand in the placement of all three obelisk's and when one takes the engineering difficulties into consideration, especially in Central Park finding stable ground for the Egyptian obelisk, it was close enough to symbolically bring one of their main tenants to life on the ground, "As above, so below."
I think this is accurate, after all, who would have thought that Orions' belt is on the ceiling of Grand Central.
ReplyDeleteother points
1) the source or research of the "freemasonry tools" under the obelisk in Egypt when it was moved.
2) that the knowledge was carried forward to the Vanderbilts after 5000+ years is just incredible. (that is if the pyramids were built in the 3rd millennium BCE in the first place). People don't realize that the pyramids line up with the stars at 10000 - 12000 bc to the time of the meteors. see the work of Andrew Collins for a start.
3) a person really needs to ask "how did these people know of the "Precessional movement of the Earth". Historians and archaeologists tend to disappear when astronomers get involved.
The pyramid footprint is such a wildcard in the history of the humans. Standard history has no response for it, so they just blow it off. They have such a hard time explaining the zodiac to the relation of the spin and wobble.
"""Like a rotating toy top, the direction of the rotation axis executes a slow precession with a period of 26,000 years"""
Actually, one needs to multiply 2160 and 12. The length of the "Great Moonth" is the same number of years, as the diameter of the moon in miles. The Great Year" is therefore 25,920. The Great Pyramid dates from 2,800 BCE.
DeleteI'd cite sources but, after reading through older posts, I believe it's against the rules.
Best regards,
DeleteFor the record, citing legitimate sources is NOT against the rules.
Thank you for the clarification Scott.
Delete"Sun, Moon, Earth" by, Robin Heath
I'd cite page numbers if I could find my copy. Mr. Heath explains how we entered Pisces 0-1 AD, and will enter Aquarius in 2160. I suspect in the next 145 years, the "Christian fish" will become a man/woman pouring water from a jar. If the astronomical Jesus holds on, I think that "jar" will be a "vessel".
For a better understanding of the Megalithic Yard, and Calendar system,
I highly recommend "The Bronze Age Computer DIsc" by, Alan Butler. Mr. Butler has an extremely BRILLIANT mind.
Best regards,
Others, like the Mayans, say the Age of Aquarius began on December 21, 2012. The 2160 years for each age is an average, the actual number of years in an age is dictated by the size of the particular constellation. The New Age, and the new 26,000 year-long cycle began a little over two years ago.
DeleteIronically, on my birthday!
Do you think there's any significance to the 148 year difference in the two calendar systems? Also, are you familiar with "keloid scars"? I believe keloid scars could prove pre-Columbian contact.
DeleteHappy belated,
DeleteI think the difference is as I explained and that 2012 is when the various mystic types and Native American prophecy keepers say the new cycle begins. That's good enough for me.
I have not heard of "Keloid Scars."
DeleteI do find it an intriguing coincidence, the combined difference between the two calendars is 1776.
Best Regards,
ReplyDeletePrecession of the equinoxes is more important to the history of everything than anybody realizes. If the historians and archaeologists had any clue how profound it was they would be amazed.
My son loves your show. He asked me to post this.
ReplyDeleteQ: What do you call a geologist who knows something about astronomy?
Tell your son thanks, and I think you would call them a "Geologist-astronomer."
DeleteROCK STAR...
ReplyDeleteGood one! Tell your son that was really clever.
ReplyDeleteWe all know Janet was the "star" of this show, right?!?! Love your show!
ReplyDeleteShe's always the star, both in the show and real life!
DeleteThree things we don't like about America Unearthed:
ReplyDelete1) only 43/44 minutes long
2) the seasons are too short
3) we have to wait sooooo long in between seasons.
Guilty on all three counts... Although, if we get renewed, item one might be different?
ReplyDeleteWe'll see!
Obelisks in graveyards doesn't seem very significant to me. I really just figured it was "the in style" for tombstones in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The cemeteries in my area have quite a few obelisks dated to those times. I therefore don't tend to read anything into their placements. However, I was fascinated to learn of the Egyption obelisk in Central Park! What an amazing voyage it had been on!
ReplyDeleteMost obelisks in cemeteries likely don't have sign significance with regard to alignments. However, we shouldn't exclude them either. I've seen some massive obelisk monument that to be placed in interesting location that could have significance in another way.
A wise Freemason once told me, "Always think in multiple levels when it comes to symbolism."
A small obelisk of about six or seven feet tall was placed on land owned by my family to commemorate a once very large cattle ranch that no longer exists. What we always found odd was that the monument was placed a couple of miles from where the ranch headquarters were located. Perhaps I should look deeper into the placement of that monument and why they chose to put a granite obelisk there! I hadn't ever thought there might be some significance to it before now!
DeleteI would check it out; you never know what you'll find unless you look!
DeleteDo you think there is still a treasure on Oak Island?
ReplyDeleteI don't know for sure.
ReplyDeletehe he he Smart answer!
DeleteHello Scott, Janet, and readers of this Blog,
ReplyDeleteMy first exposure to what is now called "Archaeoastronomy" came with a book titled "Stonehenge Decoded" by, Gerald Hawkins. I'd first found reference to the Giza pyramids being a layout of Orion's Belt in a few Masonic books, I'd read. I was young and didn't know what to make of it. Bavaul came along and opened the door to the whole idea. I think there was another author named Temple with the same ideas. It's been quite a while since first reading these ideas. Longer than I care to admit. If I'm not mistaken, I believe some of the other pyramids represent other stars of Orion. I'm also pretty sure there a more stars depicted at the many other locations, where this layout can be found. I highly recommend "Before the Pyramids" by, Alan Butler and Christopher Knight. These authors focus upon the Thornborrough alignment in England, and Pyramids of Giza. However, there are many more locations around the globe with this layout, and symbolism, including the U.S.
I'd mentioned to Scott in an email sometime back what an Egyptian Flail could symbolize. You have to play connect the dots here...Sirius to Betetgeuse to Orion's Belt. When I saw the flail coming from the back of the dog, in Anubis Caves episode, it confirmed it in my mind. I wonder it the Crook is the Pleiades? They're shown crossed...why? I've a book somewhere, where it depicts a wizard standing on top of a hill, possibly a mound. His arms are raised out, with his left index finger pointing to Sirius, and his right to the Pleiades. The angle between his arms is marked as "60 degrees". When I first saw it, I thought about the secret of Jerusalem. Where it's the only place on Earth the angle between the Solstices is 60 degrees. A really BIG DEAL before modern GPS. My second thought was...What if this wizard were standing on top of the Great Pyramid of Giza??? Would that not form a perfect X between heaven and Earth? In another depiction, later on in the book, the wizard uses the 60 degree angle to apply a six-pointed star, and circle to the stars. When I find the book, I'll post the author and title.
I've come across several references claiming, "George Washington built his ranch on top of an ancient mud-brick pyramid". Unfortunately, it's always been mentioned in passing, like it was common knowledge, and I've never been able to verify the statement. Would be interesting to know, if true, did other Founding Fathers do the same???
Before I forget. Scott, have you ever looked at the "Hooked X" carved in Rosslyn Chapel as a Hooked AVM?
Best regards,
ReplyDeleteJanet and Alan Butler are publishing a new book together this summer and they discuss Alan and Chris Knight's work on the Thornborough henges and their Orion's Belt alignment.
You are correct about the 60 degree angle of the solstice sunrises and sunset's at Jerusalem, but the same thing happens at that exact same latitude all around the world.
The Rosslyn Hooked X could very well be an AVM; I like it!
Hello Scott,
DeleteFor some reason, I thought Jerusalem was the key to finding that particular line of latitude. I appreciate the info about the upcoming book. I apologize for mentioning books. I didn't realize it was against the rules. Good thing for me, I'm not good with remembering author's names, or I'd probably listed several more. Of course, they're all coming back to me right now.
With most symbols having multiple layers of meaning, have you considered the "Hooked X" from Rosslyn as the "sword in the stone"? With most symbols, their root meaning seems to be astronomical. I think some pertain to metallurgy. I'll save the rest of this idea for Saturday, or Sunday. I can't wait for the season finale of UA. I've a strong suspicion it has something to do with Alan Butler's "secret mission" to the United States, mentioned on one of his sites.
Anticipation is killing me,
This episode took me back to a book I read called "Hidden messages in water" by Masuru Emoto. In this book he explains how words, songs, or written messages can change the structure of water molecules. For example if you write the word happy on a peace of paper and tape it to your bottle of water and leave it there, it will purify your water. Positive messages balance out the structure of the water and literally purify it. Our planet is 80% made of water. Imagine being able to slap a message big enough on its surface. For all we know these structure alignments are what attract the energies that run us and this world as we are today. They need to be fully understood and decoded.
Am wondering if you're aware of the current news re. the NASA Orion spacecraft as well as the changing of names of a "Startrek-like communicator" developed by a SanFran. start-up co. from OnBeep to Orion. The reason listed for the name change is pretty flimsy. My point is that I don't believe this current news lining up w/your "discovery" re. the obelisks is by coincidence. I'll let you come to your own conclusions re. where I'm going with this. Would also suggest you study out on a deeper level the prophetic significance of Orion Biblically as well as from the Egyptian Mystery religions standpoint. Much behind-the-scenes agenda is announced through current news & programs like yours, possibly w/o you even being aware you're part of it. Do you really believe no one could have figured this alignment out by now?! It's purposefully being made public at this time.
ReplyDeleteThis is the first time I've heard water being purified by positive vibes. I guess it depends on how impure the water is to begin with? It would be great if we could write messages and channel positive energy to cleanse out planet. At this point, it would take a lot of post-it notes and a Herculean amount of positive energy to undue the damage we've done.
Hello Scott,
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if it's important, or not but, "The models on Manhattan during shooting in the lab" photo STRONGLY resembles the "General view of the arrangement of the lodge of the Mide". Book says, the depiction comes "From Hoffman's The Midewiwin, ETC". I was looking for a specific quote to contribute to the "Hooked X" discussion, when I came across the picture.
Best regards,
DeleteDon't know if there's a connection there or not? it would be very cool if there is.
ReplyDeleteI have read an article on a website that stated this any thoughts on this theory?
There is only day in the year where the three stars of Orion's 'belt' rise almost perfectly due east and at the exact moment with the rising Sun...
The 4th of July
Does this have any significant tie to the placement of the obelisk ? Is there anyway that on that day and time the constellation lines up obelisks?
ReplyDeleteSaw this episode again an wondered if you or Janet tried using the Orion's Belt/obelisks as direction and scale and overlay the all of Orion to see if any landmark align with other stars?
We did look beyond and there is more. However, the network didn't want to overcomplicate the episode thinking it would lose some people. Orion's belt points to the ancient Pole Star Sirius which in ancient Egyptian mythology represented Isis. If you follow the three obelisks in Manhattan they symbolically point to the Statue of Liberty (the Goddess).
ReplyDeleteIs there any special reason that the Mason in New York you discussed the obelisks with was wearing the "Starforce" hat? The only info I could find on this was about a Russian software company. Any thoughts or ideas of a Masonic connection with a Russian computer company? I don't know why I found this weird. Love the show Keep it up.
ReplyDeleteThe Freemason is Brendon Green and Starforce is the name of his music production company which he was promoting by wearing the hat when he was a guest on the show.
ReplyDeleteThanks for answering Scott. I will look it up. I'm a Mason myself and couldn't get the connection. Although, I did find out on my search that Freemasonry has been in Russia since the early 18th century, brought there by the Germans. I love learning stuff and enjoy the show. Continued success sir.
DeleteIronically, I have a sterling silver Double headed eagle embossed plate from Russia. It dates to around 1785. It's represents the seal of the Ruling elite at the time. But I being a mason could not resist the obvious similarity with our Scottish rite..
DeleteBro Brendon,
DeleteAny chance you could send a photo that I'll post here?
Hello Scott,
ReplyDeleteI recently caught this episode and wondered if any attempt was made to calculate the distances between the obelisks and compare them to the distances between the pyramids &/or any other Orion oriented alignments that may also have ties to Masonic influence? Symmetry being as important as it is in so many other Masonic structures. Just curious.. as that began to enter my mind as the episode progressed.
I thoroughly enjoy the show & wish you continued success.
Hi Scott,
ReplyDeleteThis past weekend I drove to University of Georgia in Athens, GA to view the Maya petroglyph in front of the Anthropology Bldg. There is a second petroglyph stone next to the Maya one. The description says it is carved on a similar type of granite as the Maya one and found in White County. It has some interesting carvings that look like some kind of animal with horns, like an ox, from what I could tell. Did you have a chance to examine this second petroglyph at the site and if so, do you have any thoughts on its origin?
I enjoy watching all your episodes and hope you keep producing more of them! ... Regards,
Hi Paul,
DeleteI did not see the other stone while I was there filming the Maya Blue episode. I wasn't aware of it at the time. That's one I'll have to take a look at next time I get down there.
Thanks for the heads-up!