Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Latest "Templar's in America" Research

I've been meaning to do this for a while now and with the Holidays upon us and Covid-19 giving everyone plenty of free time for reading, I wanted to make sure everyone interested in the latest Templar research was aware of our publications.  The vetting of the Cremona Document and the Sinclair/Wemyss journals are on-going and if definitively proven authentic, they would be the most important "Templars in America" documents in history.  Chapter 11 in my latest book, Cryptic Code of the Templars in America: Origins of the Hooked X Symbol, lays out the story of the Cremona Document in detail and sets the table for additional new documents and maps that have materialized since my book was published in September of 2019, and are currently being investigated. For those interested in personally signed copies of my own books or that of my wife, Janet, and her coauthor, Alan Butler's book, America: Nation of the Goddess: The Venus Families and the Founding of the United States,  I would direct you to our website at: 

The latest in the Templar's in America series pulls everything together about the secret mission by the Templar's, they called "The Covenant," to found a sanctuary where they could live free from the tyranny of the monarchs of Europe and persecution of the Roman Catholic Church.  That sanctuary is now called the United States of America (Published in 2019).

The most informative background information for the Cremona Document was written by the person who was intimately involved in the research from the beginning of the modern chapter of the story which began in 1968.  That person is Donald Ruh.  Don has written his own book that chronicles important details of the story that as the last man standing only he would know.  It's filled with critical information and has hundreds of photographs.  

Donald Ruh holds a key in July of 2020, he was bequeathed by his lifelong friend, Dr. William Jackson, that reportedly opens a "cedar-lined box" with treasure buried in America during the Revolutionary War era.  The key along with a map, aerial photographs and a letter with instructions were all found inside a small wooden puzzle box left by Don's friend who died in 2000.  

You can order copies of Don's book at this link: 

Another incredible Templar story we are quietly vetting is the Sinclair/Wemyss journals.  This story, along with the Cremona Document, will completely rewrite the history of America and put new and accurate light on the Templars' true history and ideology academics thought they knew.  That vetting process is on-going as well and what is most exciting are the two completely independent documents, and the stories they tell, are beginning to dovetail providing confirming evidence that supports the authenticity of both sets of documents.  This is truly exciting! 

Diana Muir has published the first of twenty of the Sinclair/Wemyss journals that chronicles the first forty-one years of Earl Henry Sinclair's life including his first of three trips he took to the "Western lands."  Diana has extensive annotations that add important additional context to the entries and leave you begging for more that will be forthcoming in the near future.  The history revealed in the first book illuminates many important new facts about the fugitive Templars who escaped to Scotland and their relationship with the Scottish Clans who protected them.  This is a must-read for anyone who is hungry for the true story of what happened to medieval Knights Templar after the put-down of  the order in 1307.  The important beginnings of the story that would result in the founding of the United States of America will truly amaze you.

Diana's book can be purchased here: 

Myself (far right), Diana Muir (stripped blue shirt), and my wife, Janet Wolter, (far left) meet with several Masonic brethren/researchers to discuss the Sinclair/Wemyss journals at the Scottish Rite Temple in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in March of 2017.

I'd be remiss if I didn't plug my own "Templar's in America" books, see below, and that of my wife, Janet Wolter and her co-author Alan Butler, all available at  

The Kensington Rune Stone: Compelling New Evidence contains the factual evidence in multiple disciplines that definitively proved the authenticity of the artifact that was carved and buried as Templar land claim in 1362 (Published in 2005).

The Hooked X: Key to the Secret History of North America investigates the Templar symbols and codes hidden within the Kensington Rune Stone inscription.  I also investigate numerous other artifacts, sties and structures in North America the medieval Templars left hidden in plain sight (Published in 2009). 

Akhenaten to the Founding Fathers: The Mysteries of the Hooked X delves deeper into the mysteries of the Kensington Rune Stone, Newport Tower and many other artifacts considered fakes by academia, yet reveal even more about the hidden history of the cultures who visited North America long before Columbus (Published in 2013).

America, Nation of the Goddess: The Venus Families and the Founding of the United States follows the secretive families of the Templar lineage as they pursue Freedom from tyranny and oppression by the monarchs of Europe and the Church in planning their goal of establishing a 'New Jerusalem.'  The clues they left behind are numerous and are hidden in plain site using sacred geometry and symbolism, across the United States (Published in 2015).   



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Dave; It seemed like the right time to let people interested in this research know where things are at if they didn't already. There is a LOT more to come!

  2. Wonder full Scott. I need to purchase your new book.

    1. Thank you; I'm sure you will enjoy any of them.

  3. I hope Don Ruh got checked out by his family doctor after his buddy defibrillated him with a boat battery while on that treasure hunt all those years ago.

    1. Seeing how Don is 77 and still ticking along pretty well, I'd say the boat battery did a fine job!

    2. Congratulations on the books. I've long thought the KRS was real. I'm one of the apparent few who thinks that it wasn't necessarily carved where it was found. Artifacts imported from Europe in early America often traveled long, circuitous distances through trade, theft, migration, etc. before finally resting to be found years later by archeologists. Trying to definitively link that particular rock's origins to the Ohman farm is likely never going to happen.

      P.S. You can't restart a human heart with a marine or car battery. The kind of amps produced by the average marine battery would damage a human heart beyond repair. Take it from me, an electrical engineer.

      Stanley R. Samson

    3. Stanley,

      The inscription likely was carved at a different location than where it was discovered, but I don't think it was too far away. The stone is indigenous to Minnesota and was likely carried by the glaciers to somewhere near the Ohman Farm, split down to it's current 2:1 ratio and then carved the inscription. Some details we will just never know the answers to.

      As far as the boat battery goes, I wasn't there and just repeating what I was told.

  4. Hey Scott,

    I just got your newest book here and read it, Great job on the hardwork put into this with all the facts and proof to backup what your thoughts are about this, I really hope the Natives do blind fold you or whatever and do show you and allow you to take pictures of it for proof, maybe even give you the scripts or scrolls to be translated for humanities use of the ancient teachings and knowledge, who knows. Keep up the great work Scott!


    1. Frank,

      I hope so too and will wait until they say the time is right and if I am the right person to be involved in releasing the information. I have learned that patience pays off...

  5. Just finished reading your newest book, I want to say great job and Thank you. As an entered apprentice at first I found Masonry to be too closely related to the Roman Catholic Church and that some what put me off to the idea as a whole. After reading this book you have help to re inspire me to see the bigger picture and continue my degree work more proudly then ever before. Mahalo for all the hard work put into this and I can't wait for the next one. Mahalo.

    1. Brother,

      Glad the book helped you realize the depth and profound esoteric learning available to you once you know where to look. It's up to you to go as far, or as little, as you want in your pursuit of additional light.

      Enjoy your journey my brother!

  6. Great Job with this new book. I found it to be very interesting with the way
    You were able to piece everything together and be able to show proof of the artifacts, I think you do a great job displaying with such evidence to backup your claims, but I must ask you this because I can't wrap my head around it, is that if William Mann knew the final exact last known location to the world's most greatest treasure in of all of mankind or whatever it may be, how could you be to busy to go with you guys and show you the vault? It makes no sense to me why he would miss that!

    1. Thank you for the kind words. The short answer is Bill understands that things are to happen when they are supposed to. I don't know when that time will be, but based on what I've heard it won't be long at all. I suspect that won't make sense to you, but it does to me.

      The other major obstacle is Covid and for almost a year now he is not been able to travel to different provinces in Canada let alone to the United States. It'll happen in due time.

  7. Scott will you be in Newport next week? Or are the restrictions preventing that?

    1. I was planning to go, but with Covid restrictions in Rhode Island and surrounding states, to say nothing about the massive snow storm that bearing down on the area, we'll have to wait until next year.

  8. You need to be exactly where you need to be come the 21st, they will be waiting upon your request as you wished! You will finally know and see the place of the skull with your own eyes!!!

    1. Who is "they" and where do you think the "place of the skull" is. As a Freemason, I have a good idea where it is.

  9. Hey Scott,

    I just read your newest book, great job and very interesting. It's one of them books you can't put down. Do you really think it's Washington DC?

    1. More then likely the artifacts and relics are in D.C or some other government repository. Where exactly is hard to say for sure. However, the evidence points to D.C.

    2. Any ideas for your next book Scott? Something different or a continuation possibly?

    3. The new book is well under way and will be the best yet; stay tuned!

  10. A peaceful protest to draw attention to the Smithsonian institutes destruction and hiding of priceless artifacts that illuminate our countrys origins is in order.

    1. Scott,

      I can tell you at one point when I was doing my research on the Bat Creek Stone at the behest of the Eastern Band of Cherokee elders, they were prepared to protest at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., if they did not allow me access to perform my non-invasive testing. Thankfully, they acquiesced and gave me access at the McClung Museum in Knoxville and things went smoothly.

      Knowing the elders I was dealing with, I am certain they made it clear to the Smithsonian they were not fooling around. In addition to protests, they threatened to call back ALL of the funerary artifacts raided from their tribe's burial mounds since the looting began in the early 1800's.

      The artifact is 100% genuine and authentic by the way.

  11. Hello from France,
    I just finished reading your last book. it is not easy for me to read in english, and i learned a lot of things and in particular on the cremona document. I had already read Zena Halpern's book in March 2020 (first lockdown), and there were still a lot of unanswered questions.I would like to give you my opinion on the six people who entered the underground passages, and in particular on the so-called "Bernard" who obviously leads the group.
    I live in Toulouse and I am retired from aircraft construction.
    The Templars and the Cathars are two sides of the same coin.
    Sincerely yours, Francois
    Excuse google trad

    1. Chico,

      Nice to hear from you. Zena's book is filled with errors and outright fabrications. For example, there is no connection between the C-Doc and Oak Island, it was a decoy site that is working beautifully to this day. The map they use the show was created by Bill Jackson as part of a novel he never finished.

      As far as the Cathars and Templars being connected; you are 100% right about that. Feel free to share whatever thoughts you might have about the orders.

    2. Scoot,
      Very happy to have your reply. I would have a lot of thoughts to share with you after reading your book, to give you my point of view as a French person. I would first like to address the identity of Bernard, one of the six who entered the basement of the temple. It appears that Bernard leads the group to look for "relics", that he speaks Arabic, that he reads engraved texts in Hebrew, he knows a certain "Hildegarde de Bingen" a nun from Disibodenberg to "Mont Tonnerre".
      My opinion is that this Bernard is none other than "Bernard of Clairvaux" who would have arrived in Jerusalem with Hugues de Champagne (his benefactor) in 1125 and would have left for "Castrum Sepulchri" after the discovery of the relics and scrolls. I would add that Bernard de Clairvaux participated in the writing of the Bible of Cîteaux, being helped by rabbis, and he always defended the Jews.
      He therefore had the knowledge and the qualities to carry out this mission. It was he who wrote the statutes of "the militia of the Temple"
      Best regard.
      Francois WENTZY
      mail to:

  12. Hey Scott,

    I wrote a few weeks back on my thoughts on Joseph Smith... do you think it's possible or already recovered?

    1. I can't look up what you wrote when you post as "anonymous."

    2. Hey Scott,

      I was talking about the recovery of the brass plates Joseph Smith supposedly returned them to Camorra mountain and noone has seen them since. I know Joseph Smith and his family were all Freemasons and I have a strong feeling that he did not find the brass plates at camora mountain,he found them at 1 of the Templar locations near where he lived or near that mountain but its definitely at a Templar location, maybe run it by William Mann since He has all the coordinates to the locations According to his books he may be of some assistance to you. Thanks

    3. What are your thoughts on this?

    4. Joseph Smith was a horrible person and I question that he found anything let alone golden tablets. He may have been a Freemason, but he did not live by Masonic values and ideals, used the structure of the Craft to create the Mormon rituals and symbols. It was a blatant ripoff that did not end well for him.

      SGM William "Bill" Mann is a close friend and business partner. I will ask Bill what he thinks about a possible Joseph Smith/Templar connection.

    5. Scott,

      Thank you for replying back. I understand that he used the brass plates to his advantage to form the Mormon religion. wheather what he translated was true or not to us is unknown till they show up again or someone turns them over. Either way if he took them from one of the Templars safety spots then it should still be there right? Unless it's one of the things that are in the governments hands already, but besides that he may have lied about what was on the plates which makes him a horrible man? how? Our Christian faith wiped out so many Native Americans..look around you and see what's happening right now as we speak..all these Native children being found murdered in unmarked Graves because our religion that we believed in.. I'm ashamed to even consider myself as being a Christian when it was all based on lies in the first place..A Religion that murders humans does not worship God!!!

    6. Anonymous,

      Bill feels the same as I do there is no evidence other than his word, which to me has zero credibility, that he found anything he claimed. He was a fraud cult leader and his "religion" and rituals are based 100% on a corrupted version of the structure and symbolism of Freemasonry.

      I'm sorry to offend any Mormons out there, but the facts speak for themselves. I strongly suggest followers read the 1883 book, "Mormon Portraits: Joseph Smith", If you can find a copy. The Mormons destroy every copy they can track down.

      Come to think of it, I should post a link to a scanned copy which I have...?

    7. Yes, please do!!! And thank you.. I just feel like them plates are part of what happened in history and are important that's all

  13. Scott, After all this time are you keeping up your Swedish?

    1. Hi Kyle,

      Not sure what you mean, but no I haven't.

    2. Kyle,

      I assume that you saw the same thing that I did?

  14. The Hooked X, Kensington Runestone and America:Goddess Nation are in my personal library. However I find the lack of a Bill of Rights as an article Very Disturbing. To call a human institution the Supreme Court is blasphemy. These Venus Families must have a weak goddess or less influence then claimed to allow such blasphemy. They have insulted the goddess they are supposed to believe in I find their lack of faith Disturbing. I also have some of Alan books among them The Goddess, the Grail and the Lodge My objections aside all are very good books. Thanks to Scott, Alan and Janet.

    1. Anonymous,

      Can you explain what you mean blasphemy? If you consider the Goddess to be something disturbing that is nothing more that misguided Roman Christian dogma.

    2. If you believe in God and/or Goddess as supreme being said is supreme judge, if not blasphemy then calling a human institution the Supreme Court insults the God) Goddess you claim to believe in I certainly don't believe the Pope is infallible.

      Michael Papich

    3. Michael,

      It was humans who put gender on Deity, who says it has any gender at all?

  15. To clarify, it is the failure to have a Bill of Rights as an article of the Constitution I call disturbing. Should have bee there to begin with rather than as ten amendments.
    Michael Papich

  16. I know some say God is gender neutral or androgynous. We will ever know definitely. Anyway I like all these books. One great-grandfather was born in Stockholm so learning of evidence of the Hooked in Sweden was very nice. Keep up the research. Also have Templar Sanctuaries in North America.

    Michael Papich

    1. Thanks Michael,

      Enjoy your journey of learning, growing, and developing your relationship with Deity whatever that might be.

  17. Hi Scott.
    I would like to give my translation of the De Walderne letter as french man.
    It seems to me more accurate than the one Melissa does.
    The letter is adressed to:
    "Maitre Robert Cavelier de la Salle à la paroisse de Saint-Herbland, Rouen France"
    Church of Saint-Herbland does not existe anymore.
    I would like to send you one photo by mail. (hooked-x??).
    Hereby the translation of the upper folded letter. I couldn't read the second part.
    " This day is the last in the temple of the goddess on Manitou mountain. Strong locals and Hollanders (Dutch people) encroach daily and people are very restless (nervous).
    I put a message in stone and one in Priestess Altomara's cave to speak of our passing.
    I go to my mother's people in the South by water."
    I make some searches about "De Walderne" and I did not find anything.
    My opinion is the whole lineage extends from the first to the twenty-first De Walderne in America where did the "De Walderne people" live, the south.
    Hope those translations help you.
    Thank you for these revelations connected to the meridian of Paris.
    François Wentzy
    mail to:

  18. François,

    First, thank you for the translation. While it is essentially the same, it is slightly different than Melissa's note. I also find it interesting De Walderne references a church that no longer exists. I couldn't find much on-line about this church. Any ideas where we might find more about it?

    My email is Thank for your insightful comments.

  19. Can anyone help with an id of a gilded roman coffin dating back to 1st century bce

  20. Hi Scott I'm Ray a huge fan. After a injury left me unable to do my usual hobbies 9 years ago, I've had to find new hobbies and ways to pass time. So i dove into learning about history, youve become my go to when I am learning something new. 1st was a personal search stemming from a great great uncle who was a free mason and lawyer and around 1930 had a nervous breakdown and spent the rest of his being looked after by family and the state. Which has fueled my search into the Templars, which your research has helped with. I will cut this post short because I could Probly ask you a million questions lol. So I just wanted to thank you for your works and I apreciate what you bring in the search for the real answers. I truly believe our future can be learned from the past.

    1. Hi Ray,

      Thank you for the kind words. It's very heartening to hear from people who are inspired by our research. I hope you continue your quest of personal enlightenment.


    2. Scott, I just finished you Cryptic Code book. I found it a great read, fascinating, great page turner and well written technical explanations for amateur adventurists like me. I am Master Mason in the state of California, also a 32nd degree Scottish Rite SJ and Shrine member. And...I'm an old guy-52 years old and newly retired from government service.

      I found the Jesus and Mary bloodline connection to the Templars quite fascinating. I've also read Born in Blood by John J. Robinson and Sworn in Secrecy by Sanford Holst. Both were great books and provided me with a primer on the Templars when I picked up Cryptic Code.

      I know as Freemason brothers we should always keep politics and religion out of our meetings in the lodge. Well, I'm sorry but I can't. I read your book cover to cover and really enjoyed it up to the point of the last chapter. Yes, I also believe there is a possibility of ancient and controversial historical items in the custody of the U.S. government, but I don't trust the Obamas.

      That was something I had to pass on to you. I still found it a great book. God bless you and our United States of America.

      Bro Rick Reyes

    3. Bro Rick,

      Keep in mind that ours and other countries intelligence agencies consider the office of the President to be "temporary employees." At the end of the day, whether it's a Republican or Democrat, their importance in the big decisions that affect us all are relatively minor in the grand scheme.

      Thanks for taking the time to send such a supportive comment.


  21. I might have just figured out the gilted roman coffin dating back to the 1st century bce

  22. Now that the case has been broken, can you reveal what roll you played in bringing the criminal to justice who vandalized America's Stonehenge?

    In a past blog entry you said you were working close with law enforcement to solve this crime.

    Thanks, and keep up the interesting work!
    Bert W.

    1. Hi Bert,

      The truth is I didn't play any role in bringing this moron to justice. I was aware of what was going on and who the suspect was early on. It was thought he would do something to help law enforcement find him and ultimately implicate himself and that's exactly what he did. Let's hope he gets the proper punishment he deserves.

      I will also admit that I am profoundly disappointed that our show was part of what motivated him to desecrate this important historical site. It was just wrong on every level...

  23. Hi Scott, I am wondering if you have been following the developments on Oak Island of recent. In particular - the discovery of the stone road and alleged pine tar kiln that predate the original money pit search. Judging by the size of that road and the effort taken to build it - i would say there had to be some kind of serious presence there that is not documented. Possibly British military, maybe even French. The ring bolts are also very intriging, as they seem to indicate larger ships and larger cargo was here.

    I was very wary of the direction this show had been taking, but these recent discoveries are game-changers for me.

    1. Tom,

      I don't watch the show as it has no legitimate Templar connections. Therefore, while the modern history of the island is interesting, it doesn't interest me enough to watch it.

      I'm glad you're enjoying the show.

  24. Glad to see you're branching out into ancient alien theory. It was only a matter of time before you hit the ceiling with the Templar stuff and people began to lose interest. The idea to fold it all into the current alien fad is pretty smart. There's lots more fringe money there to be harvested from the rubes. Well done!

    Chris K.

    1. Chris K.,

      The UAP subject matter came to me as opposed to my seeking it. Regardless, it is fascinating and that it dovetails with aspects of Templarism and Freemasonry should really be all that surprising. The indigenous people have know about the "Sky People" forever and because of their deep bond with the Templars who came to North America for centuries prior to contact it shouldn't that big of a surprise.

      I'm not worried about trying to capitalize financially, I want to try and understand it. We'll see how it all turns out.

  25. The wind,

    Sounds like an interesting read. I will look into it; thanks for the recommendation.

  26. Scott, I've always been a bit of a skeptic when talk of the Templar arriving in America is mentioned, but in my research as a Metal Detectorist in Indiana I came across this newspaper article from 1899 and now having done some additional research it certainly seems plausible that somehow the Scottish and/or Knights were here long before settlers in Indiana. The only other explanation is that Natives had these coins? But we are talking about coins 200 years before Columbus..Seems unlikely the Spanish or French traded Scottish silver.

    1. Travis,

      The Templars were here staring in the 12th Century and I'm sure they were in what is now Indiana. Interesting stuff!

    2. To : Travis , you and alot of others ; haven't considered the fact that the Vikings settled in America before anyone else from Europe ! They did in deed carry Scottish coins , as well as many other coins from around the world . I am sure that Scott can confirm what I just said !

  27. Hi Scott

    Loving the new book "cryptic code" I really really want to believe this story but something in the Cremona document worried me.
    When going back over the hunter mountain trip it is the description of the armor which doesn't add up.
    The trip is meant to be in 1178 but 3 pieces of armor are referred to that don't seem to be in use at that time.
    1 - shin guards, only from early 1200's
    2 - breast plate 1250's onwards
    3 - gauntlets 14th century onwards

    Have you done any digging around this or found any explination, eg in the translations?


    1. Martin,

      I'm not sure where you got your sources, but shin guards, breastplates and gauntlets date back to the Greeks and Romans. All of these items were in use during the Crusader period.

  28. To Scott:

    I luv your America: Unearthed; watched about ½ of the series and hope to finish watching the rest along with other History Channel vids and recently downloaded pdfs of “Templar Papers (2006)” and "Esoteric Tourism in Scotland: Rosslyn Chapel, The Da Vinci Code, and the Appeal of the ‘New Age’"--finding them all interesting so far! [I posted one of my best favorites from your Unearthed episode links, Friday-the-13th 1307 on my twitter feed.]

    Christopher Columbus never “discovered” the U.S. Some say Columbus “borrowed” the Templar seafaring navigation map and cross symbols of red/white; (his motives were tied in with the powers of the Spanish monarchy and church while Templars unwittingly (or serendipitously) ended up in America (Kensington Runestone) as a result of their escape from religious and societal prosecution.)

    Ref: (@ 1h:25m) :

    Was DNA testing done/allowed on those ossuaries after their discovery in 1980(?) *

    Ref: *

    What couldn’t be scientifically explained then (gospel of Matthew Mark etc) is now explained today, as an aura – the electromagnetic energy that is released from the body after death. See below.

    Ref, Buried: @ 30m:53s):

    “The Order of Christ conducted top-secret rituals. Initiation ceremonies derived from the mystical Jewish sect who wrote the dead sea scrolls at the time Jesus was alive. The Order of Christ known for their mystical rites and knowledge, conducting “Raising from the Dead ritual:” The initiant would be confined to a cavern for several days w/o water or food; reaching a near death state, this provoked an out-of-the-body experience, and the Initiate would rise again with a higher state of conscientiousness. They saw their initiation rites as purifying themselves for God. No need for salvation through Popes and Bishop. It would be the closest thing to real Jesus Christ in their view. Based on the lost gospel of Phillip, many claimed this resurrection ritual was handed down from the Essenes to John the Baptist who then taught it to Jesus.“ **

    The Templars sought enlightenment on their own terms after the Popes betrayed them (Templars) in 1307. If Templars had a direct line To the Divine, it meant there was no power above the Order of Christ except God himself. (Finding ways to channel the powers of God, in secret). Those that went through the Raising of the Dead ritual, had said to have seen the past and the future. Templars’ past had been the East, facing Jerusalem; but many felt their future was to the West, toward the New World.” *** Mikey Kay (British military strategist) says it was the original Knight Templar monks whose vow of poverty, celibacy, piety, and obedience, started and established Christianity.

    ** “The ritual survived the Inquisition, thanks in part to the Knights Templar who followed the prescription laid down by the Essenes, after the knights rediscovered instructions hidden under Temple Mount, where it was said the elders of Jerusalem "engaged in secret mysteries…of Egyptian provenance, in darkness beneath the Temple of Solomon," in a secret chamber referred to as "the bridal chamber."

    *** “In other words, Master Freemasons including George Washington, Ben Franklin, and Pierre L’Enfant designed and dedicated the Capitol building (Washington DC) to be a temple of pagan spiritual energy modeled after the Masonic temple built by Hiram Abiff (Osiris).”

    Signed, “M”

  29. "M",

    You're pretty much hitting on all cylinders with your commentary. My guess is you are a brother Mason, and/or a member of another esoteric order. Regardless, you laid things out very well.

    Thanks for sharing!

  30. No, I’m not but… hahhaaaa

    Here is the #MaryMagdalenetruthbomb. Apologies for its length but I tried to keep the comments short.

    Due to things like time constraints imposed on archeologists, aging, contamination, destruction, defacement, relics/treasure forever lost, modern and ancient(?) hoaxes, whatever has been abled to be studied in a serious way, its making for some interesting debates:

    The Gabriel Stone Inscription :

    The Gabriel Stone Inscription, dated just prior to Jesus crucifixion. At the 30m/35m mark, the narrator explains that John the Baptist (Jesus’ cousin) was the intermediary between Simon (1st Messiah) and Jesus (2nd Messiah); and that, Jesus wasn’t necessarily the original thinker and doer everyone else is led to believe.

    The Talpiot tomb/Cluster of Names probability :

    In the video, Prof Tabor makes an interesting point re the statistical probability of the ossuaries being the bones of Jesus & family by using the names-in-a-stadium example). His blog also covers updated 2019 information regarding the 1980 excavation of the tomb and its ossuaries--concerns over mixing up of the bones, possible grave robbers, etc. Which reminds me, could grave robbers or other motives have more easily explained the body’s disappearance during the missing three days after the crucifixon.

    If the bones are ever scientifically validated by ruling out the mathematical probability the bones being of someone other than Jesus/Jesus the Messiah, the skeptics would have to declare--game over.

    Science and the Shroud of Turin :

    While they also considered the level of contamination and aging of the cloths, Dr Lazzaro’s concludes that the ultra violent light sources needed, in order to replicate the image on the Shroud, exceeds what can be done currently and explains the phenomena instead as “the body was mechanically transparent,” meaning, “spiritual.”

    My 2cents says the energy force was emitted naturally from the body which then, sears/imprints on the shroud---however---but---then again---I find it rather odd the photographic negative shows a “well-defined” outline that of said Jesus’ body.

    The video presentation doesn’t prove the resurrection but rather, at least this documentary seems to offer convincing evidence the Shroud is authentic; “Blood had high levels of creatinine and ferritin, indicating the subject body had experienced a polytrauma similar to torture (nails, whip, the Holy Lance, crown of thrones worn by Jesus—the other two men did not).

    If you haven’t already come across this in your readings and research, one more tidbit:

    “Jesus said to them, my wife.”

    Prof Karen King of the Harvard Divinity School says this 4th Century Coptic fragment (text) doesn’t prove anything… “it’s not evidence for us historically…perhaps, Christian back then were thinking, did Jesus have a wife.” According to Prof King, the broken-off sentence says “Jesus said to them, ‘My wife . . .’” Also in the same fragment, “Jesus refers to “my mother [who] gave me life” and to a “Mary” who is called either “worthy” or “not worthy” by the disciples (the translation is uncertain).” Prof King said it’s possible that Jesus cites his wife to confirm that Mary “is able to be my disciple.”

    The first phrase seems to be answering his disciples’ curiosity regarding whether Mary Magdalene was Jesus’ wife. Then, when “Jesus said to them, my wife,” this clearly went up against the controlled narrative and thinking of the church. The church then deciding to “cancel culture” Jesus’ wife from the Bible and from their Jesus movement due to their religious and gender bias. This would make further sense as to why Christians would be wondering (and deciding on the issues about marriage vs celibacy as a Christian practice) re Jesus’ marital status.

    If that Coptic script was in reference to the married Jesus/or married to Jesus Christ, what was his wife’s name, again?

  31. I think Christopher "discovering" America was their version of a disclosure for all to know about the land. Even if he never set foot on it. That was the remaining Templars could not make claim.

    1. SteelWolf,

      One could make the argument the Kensington Rune Stone land claim included the entire continent with, "From Vinland far to the west." Vinland was already known to the medieval Scottish Earls through their allegiance to the Norwegian King who knew about the Viking expeditions to North America. This area was the northeast coast and "far to west" could mean as far as the west coast of the continent.

      That said, by the time "Chris" made his Roman Catholic Church endorsed proclamation in 1492, he was already 130 years too late. But then he already knew that. However, to get paid by the Spanish monarchy and receive the proper acknowledgement from the Church he played along like a good businessman of the time...

  32. How many books could you write with the material that you did not use? 4?

    1. SteelWolf,

      I have 2 more already in the works, and it's the best content yet!

  33. That reminds me I need to buy a set of your(& wifes) books next month and donate them to my lodge.

    1. Bro SteelWolf,

      Just go here and buy them and we'll be sure and sign them!

  34. part one. I'd like to see you and Freddy Silva get together and compare notes. I suspect it would take at least a week.
    Here is part 2:

    1. Looks like the owner of the vid has made it unavailable as of today for part one. Unfortunate. The information in that first half was exemplary. But other vides are out there. Part 2 was up for a few months then the company privatized it do to a lack of audio. Looks like Freddy Silva claimed copy right protection on part one. It looked professionally filmed.

    2. Ah hah. Hes selling the vids. Scott you have any documentaries or videos we can buy? Asking for a friend. :)

    3. SteelWolf,

      I have not read or seen anything regarding Silva's work. I have been so engrossed in my own research I haven't had time to go down other roads. Tomorrow is the Knights Templar Triennial in Minneapolis, an international gathering of Masonic Knights Templar leadership and I have put together a four-hour symposium of speakers on the subject of the Knights Templar being America's True Founding Fathers. We are going to present brand new research, and documents, that tells the story of what really happened. It's nothing short of incredible.

    4. SteelWolf,

      I will have many videos for people to watch very soon when we launch our new on-line platform called, "Templar Gold." I think people will be impressed and really eat up the content we will be sharing.

      Stay tuned, but in the meantime people can find "Holy Grail in America" on YouTube and "America Unearthed" there and on Netflix.

    5. I've been checking YouTube for that 4 hour speech but nothing found. With this be something we can buy fairly soon?
      "Tomorrow is the Knights Templar Triennial in Minneapolis, an international gathering of Masonic Knights Templar leadership and I have put together a four-hour symposium of speakers on the subject of the Knights Templar being America's True Founding Fathers. We are going to present brand new research, and documents, that tells the story of what really happened. It's nothing short of incredible."

    6. Steelwolf,

      The lectures were recorded privately and will be posted on our website in the very near future.

  35. Hey Scott,

    Just wondering if you have been back to Townsend Montana yet for further investigations of the mountain yet?

    1. Unknown,

      No, we have not yet. We've been too busy with other field work, but we'll be back.

    2. Thanks for replying back, what have you been working on these days?

  36. Hey Scott! You’re newest book will be in my hands this Sunday, I can’t wait! So. Honest question before I dig into the new book. I’m asking this for personal reasons, 1135-1150. Something big happened then, correct? What? My personal journey with all this points to that period of time. Something stemming from Balantrodoch/Temple. Is this ringing any bells by chance?

  37. VisionExplored,

    Not sure what specific event you're thinking of, but this time period was shortly after the Templar's were officially founded in 1129. What are you thinking of?

  38. Diana Muir has a documented history of fraud, dating back to 1983 when she was investigated by the FBI for trying to sell historical Mormon letters to Brigham Young University. I have done a thorough investigation of her claims about the Sinclair/Weems journals in my blog post here:

    1. Addison,

      Your blog post was very reasoned, thorough, and by and large fair. However, you did have some things wrong due to a lack of information. If you would care to visit to get further clarity and context I'd be happy to chat. Best number is: 612-875-7871.

  39. Hi Scott, it is Michel, critics of your work on the Kensington Rune Stone have tried everything to prove you wrong, but failed.
    Henrik Williams qualified it as “pure Dan Brown”, and attributes the storyline to a theme found in the Greenland Saga (A. M. Reeves translation of 1906). The Greenland Saga is contained in the Flateyjarbók or Codex Flateyensis, a manuscript recorded from around 1387 to 1394 CE. As it is recorded, if the Kensington Runestone was erected in 1362, this gave the Greenlanders around thirty years to make it back to Iceland… Arguably rescued from Newport Rhode to Island and this, just in time to be thrown into the Sagas along with the other thirty Vinlanders?
    So, this is how Professor Williams’ “Got You!” moment can be turned into a “What if?” question. Williams also notes the mention of thirty men which pops up on the Kensington Stone and in the Greenland Saga. This relatively small number does seem fit for the crew of a Skeid, “slider”, longship which could number more than thirty rower benches. However, later smaller types of longships of the 13th century such as the Snekkja, “serpent ship” could accommodate twenty to thirty oarsmen. The dreki or Drakkar, “dragon ships”, as the Saxons called them, were of good size and were equipped with thirty benches. With the additional ten men left onboard the ship, the count is good to man a Skeid boat which was still used by the Normans at the same date.
    After all they did manage to invade England using the same boats with William the Conqueror, did they not?
    This said, I wonder if you got my last email on Gmail?
    Keep up the good work,

    1. Michael/Anthony, yes, I got your email and replied. Williams knows the KRS is real but won't speak the truth unless he gets credit for solving the mystery Newton Winchell solved in 1909. He and Nielsen tried to erase Winchell and my work to try and resurrect the KRS in their image and of course, get full credit. Academia at its worst yet again.

      Let's let the facts and the truth they tell rose to the surface in due time. As I said in my email to you, I hope I live long enough to see it...

  40. Tours: When is the next tour featuring both you Scott and GM Timothy Hogan?

    1. SteelWolf, Tim and I don't have any plans for a tour together at the moment. Is there a tour Hayley and I currently offer that would be interesting to you? If interested in Templar and/or esoteric areas, there is the Spain & Portugal Templar tour next June that covers a lot of incredible sites. It is all-inclusive. You can see other tours we are doing on her website as well.

    2. That works thanks. I'll hit that web site. It would have to be Templar related as I keep telling the wife in 2025 we're seeing Castles. I'm OTSI (initiate 3 years.) and York Rite Commandry is why I asked about the tour with both of you. Best of all the esoteric. :)
